epic ride to alaska completed...Shnizz is back!!!!

Schnizz, that makes me drool. Thx for posting, great ride great pics. Wish I could find a month some place in my calendar.
Avon Storm ultra......an excellant tire, I can't recommend them enough and for gas......many many cans of Heinz baked beans !!!!!!!!

well..... ya prolly coulda gotten some more gas out of'm had you used the good ole Mexican Frijoles :laugh::laugh:

Glad you had a safe journey :thumbsup:
Shnizz, I was real impressed to read this but then when I get to the pics I see that you had all that gear with you, that had to make the busa handle like a 125 lol... you amaze me :cheerleader: epic ride! I hope you have pics of some of the ADV riders, the look on thier faces had to be priceless. Way to represent, the kanji gets around!
alright,hang on,I have started my ride report. I am a slow typer so please be patient. BTW, it took me awhile to think of this but I didn't see a single other busa during the whole time I was on the road...not a single one.....we really are a exclusive group!......LOL
Make sure you have at least one pic of YOU in that ride report so people will stop calling you "dude" :rofl:
Awesome!:bowdown: Congrats! :beerchug:This is Truly an EPIC Adventure.:thumbsup:
Looking forward to ride report!:please:
Lorie, you're the "Shnizzle", anyone ever tell you that? :laugh:

I'm glad you're safe and sound. Colton and I were just talking about you the other night. Well, anyone that has trolled the HITH threads or actually went to one would know she's a she, with pink or other bright colored hair, spunky attitude, a hoot to be around, has a ton of life experience to share with anyone willing to listen and ask questions, and VERY down to earth. Not hard on the eyes either.

Make sure you have at least one pic of YOU in that ride report so people will stop calling you "dude" :rofl:
I didn't ask for pics to be creepy, I was serious. Alot of guys on here think you are a guy like them. :rofl: I personally think that this trip is even more impressive after someone sees the size of you.

I applaud your strength and endurance for this. It's actually quite the accomplishment for ANYONE, and even more awesome that it was done on a Busa and by a petite woman like yourself Shnizzle.. :bowdown:
Can't wait to see more pics Lorie!! That had to be such an amazing, taxing, frustrating, fulfilling adventure!! Nothing but respect to you for hanging in there and doing it! I'm sure you were happy to be back home; so glad you did this!! :bowdown: