Fairing Screens by Postal...
Here are the details:
I NOW pre-cut and custom form all eight fairing screens, this includes the two screens for the rears.
The pre-cut and custom formed eight screens are $30.00, natural shiny finish, shipped to your door, 48 US states only, other destinations slightly higher.
$35.00 for painted screens using off-the-shelf non-OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) colors.
For formed, painted fairing screens that are painted with OEM Suzuki colors the cost is $45.00 shipped TYD, 48 states.
$30.00 for natural shiny finish screens.
$35.00 for painted screens, non-OEM colors only.
$45.00 for OEM (Suzuki) color painted screens.
(all screens are clear-coated)
I provide complete installation instructions with the description of the recommended epoxy to use (epoxy not included).
My PayPal address is:
Thanks again everyone!
Ride safe.
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