Essential Songs for a Guitar beginner

Segovia... :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
Another who knows.

If I end up playing an inkling as well as he before I pass from this reality,, I shall have accomplished one of my dreams. What sweet self sedation.

A man can have all the riches and wealth to surround himself with in his life,,,
but without self composed music to bring to oneself,, you simply,, have never lived.
I took lessons for two years; practiced and practiced but I never could get it. I just didn't have the brain (left side or right side) for it. Very dissapointed I always liked playing and the sounds generated, but I just could not for the life of me pick up the talent to string it all together in rythum.
I took lessons for two years; practiced and practiced but I never could get it. I just didn't have the brain (left side or right side) for it. Very dissapointed I always liked playing and the sounds generated, but I just could not for the life of me pick up the talent to string it all together in rhythm.

Maybe what you are missing is proper instruction to teach signature and voicing through your strings from what you know in theory,, once at that level having it transcend into the placement of your fingers without fail.

Let me demonstrate - Let us say that you do know your chords, your finger placement, you octaves, changes and intervals. When you think in your head of a song or melody and then hum that sound or rhythm,, when you know the fretboard or better yet, know the octaves of a piano and how that can translate directly TO the guitar,, then without thought,, you can run that thought or melody ONTO the fretboard without second thought.

Make sense?

So many people just pick up the guitar with the "good" intent to play,, however lack the proper instruction to lead them to a life of well taught and fundamentally structured playing, composing and a spectrum as wide as a rainbow to enjoy for their lifetime.
Watch Maestro Segovia's finger control,, his changes in melody, his cadence, tone and imagine,, if you will,, his thoughts as he mentally sings his way,,, through this incredible melody and composition! Like droplets of water falling slowly and cascading down to immerse your ever changing thoughts throughout a waterfall of melodic motion. It's easy to close your eyes and envision, yes?
Watch Maestro Segovia's finger control,, his changes in melody, his cadence, tone and imagine,, if you will,, his thoughts as he mentally sings his way,,, through this incredible melody and composition! Like droplets of water falling slowly and cascading down to immerse your ever changing thoughts throughout a waterfall of melodic motion. It's easy to close your eyes and envision, yes?

So, you been smokin' weed? :poke:
Let me demonstrate - Let us say that you do know your chords, your finger placement, you octaves, changes and intervals. When you think in your head of a song or melody and then hum that sound or rhythm,, when you know the fretboard or better yet, know the octaves of a piano and how that can translate directly TO the guitar,, then without thought,, you can run that thought or melody ONTO the fretboard without second thought.

Make sense?


At 48, it's a litte too late for me, although I still have a very nice Acoustic and a American Strat in the house. I am hoping I can lead my daughter to learn to love and appreciate playing music think it would provide a lifetime of comfort and satisfaction to her.
Watch Maestro Segovia's finger control,, his changes in melody, his cadence, tone and imagine,, if you will,, his thoughts as he mentally sings his way,,, through this incredible melody and composition! Like droplets of water falling slowly and cascading down to immerse your ever changing thoughts throughout a waterfall of melodic motion. It's easy to close your eyes and envision, yes?

thanks, hadn't noted that vid before. Segovia would finger a piece for max tone
The Romeros for max speed and facility, still an ongoing controversy. I like to
compromise. Here's a great old vid from late 30's or 40's Fernando Sor varitiones
"The Magic Flute"