Ever had a bad riding day recently?


Your Disease.....
Donating Member
I think riding is like anything else (sports-wise). We all can have "off" days. Today I guess I had an off day.

After doing a photo job this afternoon riding home:

1. I was on a twisty road and was going pretty slow (normal speed limit) and before I knew it I was almost OFF the road on the right side... I was actually in the dirt. I thought wtf? How did I almost just run off the road? I did a hard lean and got it back where it belonged, though.

2. Was making a right turn and locked up my rear wheel just a little bit because I applied too much rear brake as I was entering the turn.... a mistake for sure! I never put my rear brake on hard the way I did there. Just a stupid mental error on my part. I actually starting braking too late for the turn when I should have slowed well ahead of it.

I guess my mind/body just wasn't into it today. I don't know. I guess I was just off the mark like a ball player having a bad game. After the 2nd mistake I decided to just take the bike home instead of going to the store on it. I took the car to the store instead. Tomorrow is another day on the busa and I will need to make sure I'm not riding in a "blah" way again!

As someone once stated... riding a bike is not like taking your car out for a simple commute. I second that!
You made the correct decision to park the bike. If your head isn't in the game you shouldn't ride. Live to ride another day...
It only takes a second of loss concentration to make for a really bad day.
The last time I rode my bike is when I basically forced myself to ride it to work. I never made it there that day or for the next three months. While on the highway I looked away for a second and when I turned back all I saw was a white blur followed by ground, sky, ground, sky, ground, people telling me not to move. I hit a car that was stalled out and halfway in my lane. I totaled the car, my bike and broke my leg in two places. Now 1 1/2 years have passed and I still don't know if I will get another Busa. I do miss it and want another but that was the second time I went down on that bike and broke my leg. Do I want to try again?
Number one was taget fixation. happens to the best of us once in awhile..

Rear brake locks up easy on most bikes anyway. easy thing to do..

Yeah. if I wake up and dont feel like riding "most" of the time I dont....

glad you made it back
Smart move bringing the bike home. I was running late for work recently and was going to take the bike but last second took my cage insted. I was a nervous wreck and felt like there might be trouble if I jumped on my bike in that state of mind. So insted I ran home at lunch time and got her.
I find there are bad ones, good ones, and average ones. The good ones are when everything just clicks with no effort - lines are perfect and everything is smooth. The bad ones are just like you described - nothing comes together and everything is jerky and disconnected. For days like that the only thing to do is to get off the road before something goes horribly wrong. Sounds like you made the right choice.
I thought I was the only one that had bad days on a bike. I ussually do the same thing. Bring the bike home pronto and get in the gas hog. F150 4x4. Its better to spend extra cash on gas then on hospital bills.