Everyone ready to work on MC_Mustangs Bike

woot.... im a donateing member ...again...lol seriously anything to help mc have a great homecomeing. paypal trans # 3RN255789U606411E
if the LED board for the tail doesn't work lemme know and i'll contact Doyle(dr1300r) & see if he'll allow use of his remaining red LEDs & i'll make a new board with lighter wires
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Where are we standing on the list? Are the funds enough to complete the list? I know this Extreme Hayabusa Makeover idea started last year, but the current donation and list was from this June. If theres still more thats needed if you can post up, or pm would be great, if I don't have the part I'd be happy to contribute to the funds account for his benefit.
if the LED board for the tail doesn't work lemme know and i'll contact Doyle(dr1300r) & see if he'll allow use of his remaining red LEDs & i'll make a new board with lighter wires
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Consider the led's donated if you need them.. :thumbsup:

My custom led tail has just shy of 2000 trouble free miles, you did a great job Jason.. :beerchug:
Makes me glad to hear brother......honored that you asked me
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Okay folks we have the list of project items and the order in which we want to do this.. I will be posting up the details this afternoon but I need to do a little recon work first.

At the end of the day I believe we will have done a good thing....

OK so here we are... We have about 325.00 in donations so far. We have a paypal address set up for this and while the money comes to my account Omar is in control of the email address paypal uses to send the notifications (Check and balance).

We have a member that has stepped up in a great way, that will be acknowledged later but lets just say we have some good things already.....

We are taking the plastics that are on Shawns bike now and we are going to sell them. They are not cracked but they are scuffed a little. Omar will be pricing them very soon. New plastics on the bike are the first priority. Omar is taking the plastics off soon so we will have access to the rest of the bike so we can get it cleaned and get other parts installed.

We need to gather some cash..... you can paypal to bessie@hayabusa.org

Were running out of time....

What's the total we're shooting for, Cap? This way, we'll have an idea how much more we need to raise.

Pretty cool, Rev, that you're offering up your airbrush services :thumbsup:
What's the total we're shooting for, Cap? This way, we'll have an idea how much more we need to raise.

Pretty cool, Rev, that you're offering up your airbrush services :thumbsup:

A cool even million? we know what we want to do overall (I hate posting all the details cause Shawn still hangs around ya know) but suffices to say that we have a ways to go to do all the things that we had intended....
thanks man. got sumthin' in mind like a salutation bike to those that serve[d], but sumthin' real nice and positive, include some family [people/kids] in it. i know MC's style, he wouldn't want skulls and stuff.

but it doesn't look like the money for clear coat and shipping will be there. one member even offered to prep it for me!