Everyone's bike on here has a name BUT MINE!!!!!!

Everyone told me the name would just come to me.

I was in the garage with her one night and the wife stepped in and said you spend more time with that bike than you do me, I think she is yur mistress, Hence the name Misty.
took me almost three years. Then it one day it happened. The bike was named Tooter after the turtle cartoon with Mr. Wizard. He is always getting in trouble and needs to be brought home by Mr. Wizard.:whistle:
My friends on there 750,s and 1000,s call mine the (BUS)
So i say the same bus that goes right by ya all:moon:
yes, but that's not the name used for my bike. I used to commut e daily on a Hayabusa. I guess if I had named the bike my screen name would have by something like commute on (insert a name here). :thumbsup:
isn't "commuta_busa" a name?
Posted via Mobile Device
How about Bob?

Busa Operated Boyfriend
Had mine for over a year and it was just a bike to me. then after the crash, rebuilt her. She had "me" all over her so it was time for a name. It was at the last Midwest M&G when someone (Semi or Lurch) commented about the little weird OPP racing mirrors. Said they looked like "Shreck" ears. Named her "Fiona" Fee for short. Oh and she is a saucey Redhead!



how about Samson... names after a great leader in the bible who killed 1000 men with a jowbone of an ass and ripped a lions jaw apart. But lost all of his great power to Delilah a beautifull woman.

Mine is Trinity, like the holy trinity of me my bike and my girl on the back
I think Woody seems perfectly matched with your personality as relayed in your posts...I call mine "Godzilla" because it's what I hear in my head when I twist the wrist!
Wow... you guy's have me rollin over here! And see what I mean... 1/2 the people on here call their bikes "Busa" or "Bus." I kinda liked the name "Scooter." "Woody's" funny but that's more like naming a child, "****"... it's just wrong on so many levels.

And listen to my bike?? I sit in the garage for HOURS just staring at it as it stares back at me. The only thing that bike ever tells me is where it wants to go. I've had the bike for over a year. My husband always comes up with cool names within a month of owning one.