Bike was way too low on the tach when he nailed it, you gotta wring a 600's neck to get it to move. He shifted early also. *Edit* Just re-watched it and noticed he's clutching on the upshifts. Rookie.
All that being said, my best friend had a 95 tt Supra, intake, downpipe, full exhaust but otherwise stock. Put down 352 at the rears on a dyno known to be stingy. (probably closer to 400 really) It would run away and hide from a 600 in 3rd gear on. Did it several times myself, and witnessed many more from the passenger seat. Our bikes stock will get walked from a roll by a car with 500+ to the wheels, any car pushing 1k or better to the wheels will wear out anything less than a pro-street bike from a dig IF it can hook. Our advantage is power to weight, cars have much better aeros above 100 mph.