Exhaust assistance


Alright so I finally got my exhaust parts in but since I am doing this myself i wanted to see if anyone had any pointers when changing out the exhaust to make things easier. I have a 2000 hayabusa(welded midpipes), so what I did was ordered a set of stock 04 headers(removable midpipes) and some tips with baffles so i can simply take off the midpipes and attach the tips. Just wondering if there is anything else I should be aware of when doing this mod i.e. replacing gaskets/bolts/o-rings etc, coolant flush, any other maintenance i should do while i have the bike apart, or just any tips in general...thanks guys
Piece of cardboard tapped to the inside side of the radiator. Will help you from damaging the fins and such.

Pair valve mod. Only cost %30 or so dollars. Cheap Ebay ones work just fine. They only just block-off plates. You removing the exhaust and this stuff is in your way anyways. This will prevent any backfiring also when you go with stubbies. Alternate method is the Marble Mod.

While you have the bodywork off. It's good time to check things like Vacuum lines. 10yrs can make some become brittle. Squeeze them where they connect to things.

Don't over torque the bodywork bolts reinstalling. Will end up regretting it later on. The little black pushpins are likely to have one or two break. Can buy a pack of 10 from sponsor or pay 2-3 a piece at dealership.

More peeps will chime in with stuff.

Good luck! :beerchug:
ok so I took off the stock cans and revved it up a few times just to see what it would sound like and man was the backfiring bad...so i decided i would do this marble mod and see if that would clear it up before i go taking off the old headers. It seems as if the previous owner and was a step ahead of me because what i found was a bolt inside the hose, will the PAIR valve mod prevent backfiring? Im starting to think this bike was wrecked and has a map still on it for a different set up than stock, any thoughts?