Exhaust Cam swap w/ Intake Cam


I just went inside my motor for this mod. Swapped the exhaust cam for an intake cam. Added degree wheels for the cams and also did the velocity stacks.
Problem is, I lost a ton of torque and hp below 6k? Why is that? The tuner said he had to degree my exhaust cam around 110ish to get it to make power. Seems very high to me.
Isnt centerline on both cams around 105?
What do I need to do fix my problem? Re-degree the cams? I made 174 on the top end. I'm comparing before and after dynoe sheets. Also, it feels real flat below 4k.
Present mods consist of TRE, Hindle race exhaust, air box mod, filter, power commander, stacks, and dual intake cams.

Please let me know what you think.

mapping or need to redegree cams lobe center seems high roll back about 3 degrees.
That's what I heard as well. the degreeing is off. Some say a good starting point is at I105/E105 will no more than 2 degrees on either side.
Anyone else have experience in thos area?
All I can say is use the biggest diameter degree whell you can get. The little baby ones don't allow nearly as precise timming adjustment.
golden child do you sell the cam kits w/ everything i need to replace the exhaust cam with an intake cam?
You can run the Intake cam on the exhaust side with no problems. If you use the stock sprocket remember that you cannot use the factory timing marks, as they are set for the intake side and not the exhaust side.
I was looking at doing the conversion and talked to a few people about it. Terry Kizer from mr.turbo told me it's such a minimal gain he feels it's not worth the time or money. Jerry cooper from Cooper racing said about the same. He was telling me that there are gains to be had there but it's such a slight gain, with a large potential to has big losses if it's not done right, that he wouldn't do it on his bike. The guys from brock performance gave me the number of their trusted engine builder, Brian, and he thinks it's worth it and that the degee can be anything between 104 and 107. I ended up not doing it just for the fact than I'm boosted and Mr.Kizer was pretty set in the fact that it doesn't matter now that I'm pushing air. That's all I know.
golden child do you sell the cam kits w/ everything i need to replace the exhaust cam with an intake cam?
I can get you all parts needed,hit me up tomorrow will be in early..503-663-3278..I will even give you some cam #'s to use that have worked excellent for us...
goldenchild, you think you can pm me those cam numbers also, i'm doing the intake on exhaust mod as we speak. I was told that a good one was the 105 intake and 108 on the exhaust was a beast degree for the setup.
goldenchild, you think you can pm me those cam numbers also, i'm doing the intake on exhaust mod as we speak. I was told that a good one was the 105 intake and 108 on the exhaust was a beast degree for the setup.

This thread is three years old...give Goldenchild a call or pm.
Posted via Mobile Device
i try many degree but the best place to degrind the engine is in the dyno bucase you can see the hp and torque you can play in the best place in the dyno:bowdown::thumbsup:
Hi guys,

I would like to do this mod. I'm running a busa with all mods done, full akra and PC3 with QS.
The engine is stock but i would like to do this mod, because i'm planning to check the valve shims this winter.
And i heard this is a easy way to gain more power, but i can't find all the things to do for this mod.

Could someone help me with this ?