Better than the Zero Credit card camp, is using a charge card instead of a Credit Card.
American Express, No interest, and pay off everything at the end of each month. Helps keep you outta trouble, you get points, and a lot of other cool things.
No credit cards and running round closing all your accounts can screw your credit almost as bad as having too much debt.
If you're dumb with your money, living beyond your means etc... You're going to be sitting right in the hole you dig for yourself. It happens, especially in a culture devoid of any real substance where the notion of buying respect, or purchasing class is pervasive and currently trendy.
American Express, No interest, and pay off everything at the end of each month. Helps keep you outta trouble, you get points, and a lot of other cool things.
No credit cards and running round closing all your accounts can screw your credit almost as bad as having too much debt.
If you're dumb with your money, living beyond your means etc... You're going to be sitting right in the hole you dig for yourself. It happens, especially in a culture devoid of any real substance where the notion of buying respect, or purchasing class is pervasive and currently trendy.