F-ing credit card companies!!!

Better than the Zero Credit card camp, is using a charge card instead of a Credit Card.

American Express, No interest, and pay off everything at the end of each month. Helps keep you outta trouble, you get points, and a lot of other cool things.

No credit cards and running round closing all your accounts can screw your credit almost as bad as having too much debt.

If you're dumb with your money, living beyond your means etc... You're going to be sitting right in the hole you dig for yourself. It happens, especially in a culture devoid of any real substance where the notion of buying respect, or purchasing class is pervasive and currently trendy.
I never understood why they make higher interest rates for people that have worse credit or lower income, seems it should be the other way around...???
I never understood why they make higher interest rates for people that have worse credit or lower income, seems it should be the other way around...???

I guess I see it differently. It seems logical to charge those more likely to default a higher rate in order to compensate for the higher risk assumed by the lender.

I don't think the days of sub 10% credit card rates are going to be back for a while.
I pay this yearly user fee that gives me all these different types of insurance and BIGTIME air miles all at no interest.

Just dont forget to pay 'em....


Asian mob.... ???

Northern Mexicans...:firing:

credit is...what it is... no good. :thumbsup:

Rub-them-the -wrong-way.
you sign a contract to use the banks money, and you give them the right to adjust the credit rate as they wish.....

why is people always complain when its time to pay credit cards.....they never complain when they using a credit to buy things they cannot afford?

::9Well living in louisiana we had things like Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Gustav, Hurricane Ike etc. Try survivng thru that without a credit card.

A mandatory evacuation was issued for my area. Had to evacuate to Duluth, Ga to get a room for my family.(myself, my wife, my 3kids, mother in law, my mother, sister-n-law and 2 neices) 3 days in hotel, food, gas(at$5 gal) 14hr travel time going and coming. Spoiled food when I got back, kitchen flooded, metal storage building destroyed, all my power tools were either destroyed by water damage or taken by the high winds, no lights for days, scared to open windows at night because of looting. So thats a generator, (gas at $5gal=$75 day) for the generator, oil for generator etc. Try that back to back and make a comment about credit cards.???

And I always PAY the piper... I have excellent credit.
They are both Chase bank cards. One has a 20,000.00 limit but I do not use it (0 balance). I really only use the other one to order busa parts, hotel reservations,supplements, and recurring bills like vonage, cable, etc.. It has a 10k limit with about 600.00 on it currently. It's not that I'm in any way struggling from "buying stuff I can't afford" as previously reffered too. I just hate the fact i work hard to keep my credit in good standing and they reward me by jacking up the rate. It's the principle of the matter dammit!

People who dont carry a balance are considered "Dead Beats" by the card co. get a debit card, and pay cash when you can. " Dave Ramsey " style !
You can refuse the change and keep the same rate, but that will only be
good until the expiration date on the card. Then you will have to negotiate
new terms with them.
my wife works for a credit union says thats the way to go...also says the fact that people do pay off their balances every month as its the same as borowing money dollar for dollar and that doesnt make the banks any money so they will raise your interest rates to get you to close them as they cost the bank more $ to keep those accounts they make no money on open...
Don't close the account - just put them in a draw and don't use them... Kinda screws the credit card company and your credit score is in part based on your the length of time you have credit lines open whether you use them or not. So its important to your credit rating not to close the credit cards you have had the longest. I think having credit cards/lines in excess of 20 years helps put you obtain the highest credit scores. Top 3% percentile -basically perfect credit.