F150 here I come!

dude, i broght my busa home in the back of my 98 dodge dakota. im sure it will fit in an f150 of any type. i wish i could afford a new truck, but i cant even put gas in mine. darn i have to ride my bike to save cash.
I know a few people who have 5.4L F150's & they all say they get bout 18-20mpg highway. I only live 10min from work & anywhere else I go is all highway & non stop travel
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i'm only bout $500 away so i'm signin for overtime like a mofo but its slow goin lately
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ya know this for a fact?
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Ive hauled the MULLET in the X-work F150 w/ a 6.5 bed and the 10inch stretch put the center of the fatty right on the tailgate/ bed crack. I now have my own FX4 screw with 5.5 bed...hope it still fits. Fatty will prob be about hanging off the gate.
hopefully by end of march i'll know for sure
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I suppose I could go & get one now but I only have the $1500 now from tax return. A longtime great friend on here is gonna lend me $1k so I just gotta come up with $500 more
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ok bro take a deep breath, have a few beers (10 or so) and just try not to over think it. you will get your truck, maybe not as soon as you want cuz our town kind of sucks for used trucks.. but you will find one. want me to scope out the lots when i am out?
For sure bro, I know you're not a fan of crap so you'll steer me right
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