fairing help

Becareful how you word things here, people are sensitive when it comes to there Busas.
Why not take the outter casing of your XBOX and duct tape it to your Hayabusa if you dont care for the body design??

I call it as I see it. If someone takes my comments to the point I have to be careful, that's just sad. THEIR Busa is a motorcycle and like them, I love mine as well. I think we all can agree that some things could be improved upon however we all probably wont agree on the same things. I'll ignore the XBOX comment lol :whistle:
Give it some time, it might grow on you, if not you can do the the Gen I or 1k mod, or maybe a custom tail, owning a bike its all about customizing :thumbsup:
I found this on here on the board...


I'll admit I'm just a little biased but I really like the clean look of a one piece tail with the turn signals integrated in the taillight. Here's my +4 Catalyst with a 5" stretch:



I'll admit I'm just a little biased but I really like the clean look of a one piece tail with the turn signals integrated in the taillight. Here's my +4 Catalyst with a 5" stretch:

That look good too, humm. Got details on parts and all?
After i read your post, I went and got my spare set. I am going to cut it down and mold it in. And get rid of the turn signals.




Did you do it yourself or have someone do it? How involved is it?

Sorry Scott, but this is not my bike, I found the pic here on the board, the owner is a member here but he hasn't login for a long time. I was just trying to show you the look.