Faith Hill video she is mad she lost

Bluehaya......................Faith Hill nor her husband sing country music...they sing Nashville poop.....................real country is Tony Booth, Ray Price, Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson and George Jones to name a few.........but if you don't care for it to each his or her own
(thepushercg @ Nov. 07 2006,09:08) she sure thought she had it won with that early expresion on her face.
Yeah, it look like she bit into a poop bar.
Not much to that one.. But, it is cool to see how someone really feels instead of a plastic smile.. Cool show us you got piszed.
(tejaschop @ Nov. 07 2006,08:56) Bluehaya......................Faith Hill nor her husband sing country music...they sing Nashville poop.....................real country is Tony Booth, Ray Price, Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson and George Jones to name a few.........but if you don't care for it to each his or her own
Do they wear cowboy hats and boots??

If it looks like... and smells like... it propbably is.
(BlueHaya @ Nov. 07 2006,10:26) Oh snap!  Stupid Beeyaaatch.  Now the whole world sees you for who you are.

I hate country music.
I knew at the Meet'n'Greet that we were buds

tejaschop, agreed that old country is MUCH better
1st she gets mad someone else won.
2nd she lies about getting mad
this all equals = another spoiled "star" that did not get her way. and showed her true self.
(thepushercg @ Nov. 07 2006,12:16) 1st she gets mad someone else won.
2nd she lies about getting mad
this all equals = another spoiled "star" that did not get her way. and showed her true self.
Exactly...all her fame and money has gone to her head.

LMFAO at her getting beat by an American Idol star.
As she says "a Mississippi girl won't change her ways just cause everybody knows her name.".