I will be there come hell or high water and I don't even care if I get to ride (if the weather prevents it) as long as I can spend quality time with those that have made this event what it is over the years. I'm not going to have a little rain scare me away to Florida with someone that wears big pink panties (you might say they were panty waistes).
I think some events we spur some more interest. Why don't we take an afternoon and head to a drag stip and hand out some bones for fastest busa, fastest non-busa, and most entertaining pass? Our try to get some track time at one of the tracks. I come for the friends I have made and the great riding but adding some events might increase the numbers and generate some more site activity.
Let's have some thoughts here. I will even volunteer to help organize and contribute for some awards/prizes.
How do we make something happen? Lets have some thoughts here. Other thing I wouldn't mind seeing is some sort of advanced riding class.