Fall Bash

and bogus I could only find 6 packs of sam adams, so I picked you up 2.
without reading back threw all the post , has anyone decided to meet up anywhere saturday, im still thinking of driving up in the truck to meet everone then shoot over to gatlinburg for the night.
(Rayabusa0818 @ Sep. 25 2007,22:43)
(georgiabusa_05 @ Sep. 25 2007,21:24) For all thats leaving on Wednesday and Thursday, have a safe trip and we will see ya on Friday.  Had a new rear tire mounted today so tomorrow I will clean the chain, put the rear wheel back on and wash and wax the bike. Yeah, I am ready for this trip to be here.  
Hardee's at 8:00 A.M. right?
yes sir.
I am out of here Boguslogin will meet you at 9am, stlbusarider will meet you at 11am Any change of plans call and leave a msg 312-498-0601. Be careful out there.
(thepushercg @ Sep. 26 2007,20:51) without reading back threw all the post , has anyone decided to meet up anywhere saturday, im still thinking of driving up in the truck to meet everone then shoot over to gatlinburg for the night.
I will be at the CROT for breakfast between 9 and 10 depending on how cool the temps are.
(PDBusa @ Sep. 26 2007,14:16) Godspeed folks. Prayers sent for Safe trips, awesome rides, good stories and great company.  
+1..... and lots of pics too... Don't forget the pics!
81° / 50°Friday
79° / 47°Saturday
79° / 49°Sunday

Looks like great weather, Leaving out Friday morning 5:00am, See Everybody there at around 11:00.

Jon (Loomis).
Wont be at the bash something came up,,room 115 at the Phillips Fri Sat up for grabs,,be there in the spring,,call Reba for room ASAP.
Hey Rock, My brother and I are trailing, Red Land Rover Black Inclosed Trailer.

See ya Friday.

Jon (Loomis).
I made it 1035 miles, 17.5 hours and I have know idea where my bike is... Helloooooooooo....