Fastest Colour (Orange and Blk)

It depends on the make and model of the motorcycle. I always make a point to buy the fastest color. It happens to be Red for the busa. It's orange for the Z1000. It's Gray for the M109R. :laugh:
well it's a forgone conclusion that the 08 orange and black is the fastest color thats why you'll see it in the new star trek movie racing the enterprise... :whistle:
Keep troll'n, troll'n, troll'n, what? troll'n, troll'n, troll'n

Whats all the talk about fastest colour and what does it mean????
The orange and black color scheme provides for less photogenic conductance, which on anything less than an overcast day can attribute to slightly less drag and a 1-2 MPH speed advantage vs other color schemes.

The orange and black color scheme provides for less photogenic conductance, which on anything less than an overcast day can attribute to slightly less drag and a 1-2 MPH speed advantage vs other color schemes.


What he said and welome to th eorg.
sunlight has an affinity to slightly push the color orange by about 0.9342453353 kN (kilonewtons).

It appears in Newton's law of universal gravitation and in Einstein's theory of general relativity.
sunlight has an affinity to slightly push the color orange by about 0.9342453353 kN (kilonewtons).

It appears in Newton's law of universal gravitation and in Einstein's theory of general relativity.

You are wrong.
You have to understand exactly what gravity is and what causes it. Not enough space to explain that here, but if you understand atoms and molecules and how they behave you will know. It has to do spherical waves of our planet.
For this reason alone, the wave-length of grey/silver makes it the fastest color, by quite some margin.
The only place orange is faster, is under the water, as slower spherical waves makes the gravity pull here much less, in favor of orange wave length.

So, in short, it really depends where you want to ride your bike.:moon:
You guys have got me pissing myself laughing, just in from a night on the town and she (The Mrs) is asking whats so funny. I told her and she said to say "Get a life". I on the other hand am coming round to your way of short whichever I buy (Chosen by what I thinks looks best) is the fastest - for whatever reason I can come up with:rofl:
You guys have got me pissing myself laughing, just in from a night on the town and she (The Mrs) is asking whats so funny. I told her and she said to say "Get a life". I on the other hand am coming round to your way of short whichever I buy (Chosen by what I thinks looks best) is the fastest - for whatever reason I can come up with:rofl:

...oh and :welcome: to the org.

Fastest color is Spider Red/Blue....

Wait.... Maybe that was biggest .... Well you get the picture!
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You are all so delusional, you just can't admit that BLUE is fastest :moon: