Fear grips Immigrants

My mother is a NICU nurse. She spent several years working in AZ and CA. The stories she could tell!!! ???

Young hispanic women with no prenatal care arriving at the ER in heavy labor. Of course the infantt is now a US citizen by birthright. When asked (through a translator) the new mother would say "My doctor told me that I was ready to deliver and that it was time for me to cross the border."

I suggest making a "Duty Free Zone" in the ER where babies can recieve Top Notch medical care at No Expense. Free food and even party favors or door prizes. Then both mother and child get an all expenses paid stay at a hotel and then a free ride back home. It would be cheaper. :beerchug:
My mother is a NICU nurse. She spent several years working in AZ and CA. The stories she could tell!!! ???

Young hispanic women with no prenatal care arriving at the ER in heavy labor. Of course the infantt is now a US citizen by birthright. When asked (through a translator) the new mother would say "My doctor told me that I was ready to deliver and that it was time for me to cross the border."

I suggest making a "Duty Free Zone" in the ER where babies can recieve Top Notch medical care at No Expense. Free food and even party favors or door prizes. Then both mother and child get an all expenses paid stay at a hotel and then a free ride back home. It would be cheaper. :beerchug:

yes. i dont see why babies get auto citizenship if parent are illegal.
No, wait. I don't see a problem with that. There are some people that are here legally that give birth. No Problem. But remember, you can't become President unless you are a natural born citizen. You could potentialy have a future President that is first gen. imigrant from illegals. Can you imagine what NAFTA would look like then? ???
Like President Fox said "Wherever there are Mexicans, this IS Mexico!"
Flame me if you will...I think crossing the border and popping out a kid is abusing the system and shouldn't just get anyone in. They do this then cry foul about shipping the illegal mother home and breaking up a family...gimmie a break. That's all BS...don't break up the family...they all go back.

I think with the current influx and problem with illegals the law should be changed, if you are not born as of this day (pick one) anytime after citizenship must be proved by the parents or the offspring of illegals remains...illegal. What's meant to be a positive is being abused and just complicating an already bad situation.
just wondering WHY he's learning english?
it's the primary language?
it helps get better jobs?
thought that is what you SHOULD do when you come to America?
wondering why learn english where it has become so multi-lingually open?
Don't take this wrong, Vic, but WHY are you learning "English" in this country? Your reply may shed some light on the whole "Press 1 for English" annoyance

Because I was born in Russia, I spoke Russian for 30 year. English is my second language. I don`t want press 3 for Russian, 2 for Spanish, whatever for Cantonese, etc... etc..

My position is simple. I will spoke Russian at home and my kids will learn it as their heritage language. I never speak any of 4 languages I know in front of non speaking person. I consider it rude.
wondering why learn english where it has become so multi-lingually open?

No reason, really. I know alot of people who don`t give a crap about learning English. They separated from the rest of the population and exist in their own community only. Banks, grocery stores, even police departments hiring bi linguals just for that purpose.

Those individuals will never assimilate. their kids will.
Because I was born in Russia, I spoke Russian for 30 year. English is my second language. I don`t want press 3 for Russian, 2 for Spanish, whatever for Cantonese, etc... etc..

My position is simple. I will spoke Russian at home and my kids will learn it as their heritage language. I never speak any of 4 languages I know in front of non speaking person. I consider it rude.

dang thats cool.:thumbsup:
If you go to another country and can't speak their language you will be f**ked. So if you are illegal you have no rights. So if you hire these people to do work around your house you are guilty too. I don't care if you looking for cheap labor or not.
dang thats cool.:thumbsup:

That's the way I was raised. BTW, my parents learned to speak French at home.
The mzcans here tried to force the LA schools to teach their kids spanish. WTH?

I object to the presence of illegals aliens in the US not only because they are breaking our laws, buying property illegally, stealing from our entitlement programs, not paying taxes at the same level as legal residents, repeatedly committing the most violent of crimes committed here, introducing and spreading violent drug related gangs, not to mention avoiding identification because they are not issued birth certificates.

My biggest objection to illegal aliens is that they are cutting in line ahead of people from other continents who want to immigrate here, and apply to do so in a legal and above board manner.
Wanna see the reason Illegals suck? Come to the neighborhood I grew up in. I live on the other side of the same place and have watched for years the place turn into a S'hole. And almost all was from the Hispanic influx. Not assuming, I've seen it first hand. This isn't about all Hispanics, just the one's in my area. Crime is through the roof. Home invasions, general theft, everything. Multi-level McMansions with 15-20rooms each. All as boarding houses. Resturaunts around the area close but those crappy mexi-roach coaches are parked up and down the streets near the apartment complexes selling their crap. They're some of the most ratty looking trucks. I bet the health inspectors would have a field day with them.

Well, alot of the long time neighbors and myself are fed up. We've been reporting boarding houses and actually have shutdown some. I want a safe neighborhood again and I will bring the fight to them.

My family came to America in the early 1900's, Legally. They did what was expected of them to become part of the country. We adapted.
Because I was born in Russia, I spoke Russian for 30 year. English is my second language. I don`t want press 3 for Russian, 2 for Spanish, whatever for Cantonese, etc... etc..

My position is simple. I will spoke Russian at home and my kids will learn it as their heritage language. I never speak any of 4 languages I know in front of non speaking person. I consider it rude.

Good on ya, Bro! I was just wondering, thanks for the answer. If I'd moved to Russia, I would definitely learn Russian
Don't forget our wonderful state and federal governments let these illegal aliens in our country carte blanche. It is not the illegals fault ; they are doing what has been tolerated by the people who take your tax dollars.
Don't forget our wonderful state and federal governments let these illegal aliens in our country carte blanche. It is not the illegals fault ; they are doing what has been tolerated by the people who take your tax dollars.

Bravo :beerchug:
While I understand why people want to better their lives, I can't understand why they want to come here. Our economy is on the brink of disaster. Our education system has slipped from the top 5 worldwide. We are exporting high-tech jobs at an alarming rate. The greed mongers of business and government are at the heart of tearing the U.S.A. apart financially.

I applaud and respect everyone that immigrates legally from wherever they come from. I know how hard it is because I watched my ex-wife go through the headache. One thing I will say about the system, it is a way to earn the right to be here. You have to put up with a lot of paperwork and trips to the immigration office, or pay a lot of money to an immigration lawyer. For me 10 years of headaches or 4 years of military service for those who are serious enough to want to be here will work. Part of the current problem with legal immigration is a reflex to the flood of illegal immigrants i an attempt to slow it down. That reflex has only made it harder for the people that want to do it legally.

Having local communities that support heritage is wonderful, but keep limited to local. Trying to convert the U.S.A. into their former culture is not good. Why would you want to re-create the place you left if it was bad enough to want to leave. You'll find out the same problems you left behind will follow you here.

Learning the local language is a must. If they want to immigrate they should start learning it before they get here. It makes it much easier for those that do to get settled and become a productive member of society more quickly.

On the argument of taxes: Taxes are paid by every employer that pays wages, but many illegals are consuming the money through using social services at a higher rate than the taxes are collected. It's a financial blackhole.

Have a baby, become a citizen or demand it for you child? Try that in ANY other country. They'll tell you where to stick yours and your child's citizenship demand, and they won't be pleasant about it.

It would be ignorant to think that the illegals are the cause. They are victims too. The came here looking for a better life. They are lied to, and are being taken advantage of. There are exceptions that are trying to have their cake and ice cream, but most of the immigrants have good intentions.

Unfortunately, many of the people that constantly complain about illegals are a bunch of fat lazy Americans that believe that they are entitled to free social services. That is a problem that "we" created by citizens voting to be taken care of. When the citizens are hungry enough they will do the lower paying jobs. Survival instinct will take over. The people who actually believe that Americans don't want to do the lesser jobs are ignorant at best. There is always someone out there that needs a job to support their children.

Being a citizen is a privilege, not a right. Most people take this for granted. Breathing oxygen is a right. I am an American citizen because I was fortunate enough to be born from two American citizens. I served in the Armed Forces to protect the privileges and rights of Americans. I did not serve for what the U.S.A. has become, but what it was intended to be. Our Fore Father have to be turning in their graves over what the country has become. If you abuse your privileges and rights, they will be taken away. If you ignore your them you will also lose them, but it will be slowly. You won't know it's happened until it's too late.

I do agree with the concept of Mexico's immigration laws. To be allowed to stay you must only conduct yourself in a manner that makes a positive contribution to society. The rest need to be deported, citizen or not.

I will now end my rant.

While I understand why people want to better their lives, I can't understand why they want to come here.

Because everything from our American TV looks so shiney and pretty?
You had me until you said that the immigrants are victims and are being taken advantage of. Are you kidding me? That is exactly the attitude that keeps them taking advantage of the rest of us. That I cannot agree with. We are handing over our country to them on a silver platter by not standing up for our country and our culture. They ask for everything in spanish, and we give it to them; they ask for free social services, and they get them; they ask for our jobs, and they get them. Who exactly is the victim here?

I am a native american, but also come from immigrants that came to this country the way they were supposed to. This country was taken from some of my ancestors, but my other ancestors earned their citizenship according to the rules. If you want a better life you have to earn it. Coming to America should be a privilege that you earn, not one that you feel should be handed to you because you made it past the trucks at the border or you were able to birth your baby at the right hospital. You should learn the language, the culture, and the laws, and live by them as well.

While I understand why people want to better their lives, I can't understand why they want to come here. Our economy is on the brink of disaster. Our education system has slipped from the top 5 worldwide. We are exporting high-tech jobs at an alarming rate. The greed mongers of business and government are at the heart of tearing the U.S.A. apart financially.

I applaud and respect everyone that immigrates legally from wherever they come from. I know how hard it is because I watched my ex-wife go through the headache. One thing I will say about the system, it is a way to earn the right to be here. You have to put up with a lot of paperwork and trips to the immigration office, or pay a lot of money to an immigration lawyer. For me 10 years of headaches or 4 years of military service for those who are serious enough to want to be here will work. Part of the current problem with legal immigration is a reflex to the flood of illegal immigrants i an attempt to slow it down. That reflex has only made it harder for the people that want to do it legally.

Having local communities that support heritage is wonderful, but keep limited to local. Trying to convert the U.S.A. into their former culture is not good. Why would you want to re-create the place you left if it was bad enough to want to leave. You'll find out the same problems you left behind will follow you here.

Learning the local language is a must. If they want to immigrate they should start learning it before they get here. It makes it much easier for those that do to get settled and become a productive member of society more quickly.

On the argument of taxes: Taxes are paid by every employer that pays wages, but many illegals are consuming the money through using social services at a higher rate than the taxes are collected. It's a financial blackhole.

Have a baby, become a citizen or demand it for you child? Try that in ANY other country. They'll tell you where to stick yours and your child's citizenship demand, and they won't be pleasant about it.

It would be ignorant to think that the illegals are the cause. They are victims too. The came here looking for a better life. They are lied to, and are being taken advantage of. There are exceptions that are trying to have their cake and ice cream, but most of the immigrants have good intentions.

Unfortunately, many of the people that constantly complain about illegals are a bunch of fat lazy Americans that believe that they are entitled to free social services. That is a problem that "we" created by citizens voting to be taken care of. When the citizens are hungry enough they will do the lower paying jobs. Survival instinct will take over. The people who actually believe that Americans don't want to do the lesser jobs are ignorant at best. There is always someone out there that needs a job to support their children.

Being a citizen is a privilege, not a right. Most people take this for granted. Breathing oxygen is a right. I am an American citizen because I was fortunate enough to be born from two American citizens. I served in the Armed Forces to protect the privileges and rights of Americans. I did not serve for what the U.S.A. has become, but what it was intended to be. Our Fore Father have to be turning in their graves over what the country has become. If you abuse your privileges and rights, they will be taken away. If you ignore your them you will also lose them, but it will be slowly. You won't know it's happened until it's too late.

I do agree with the concept of Mexico's immigration laws. To be allowed to stay you must only conduct yourself in a manner that makes a positive contribution to society. The rest need to be deported, citizen or not.

I will now end my rant.

Wow! I can't believe some of the ignorant comments on this thread. Don't hate on the Mexicans as far as I know (exception Native Americans) we are all illegal aliens at one point in this country if you trace your roots. Illegal aliens helps border patrol officers and other immigration officers employed,lol. I bet you their families are not complaining about illegal aliens.......

"we are all illegal aliens at one point": a ridiculous generalization. my parents emigrated here legally.

the "hate" isnt on only Mexicans - its on ILLEGAL immigrants from any country.

(note that article's title conveniently left "ILLEGAL"... no bias in the mainsteam media ? rrrrrright :rofl: )