like these!!
Out great country going to s##t. My grandaughter paying our national bills. Weenies turning us into sheep.
Flying is a huge fear of mine; I've done it over and over, but short of doping me up (Xanax helps), I am never NOT a complete wreck from the moment I board the plane until we land. I hide it as much as I can, so I'm not that insane person trying to open the doors during flight or anything like that I do not understand where the fear comes from...I *think* it's not having any control, and for this control freak, that's a problem
I will get on anything that has a 50/50 chance of getting airborne. I love to fly no matter what the plane or helo. Guess I need to hang out with skydvr some as he know how to get out of them if necessary!
Okay... I will admit what really scares me. Lorena Bobbitt. Where is that knife emoticon when you need it..