Fell tonight


Biker Man
Donating Member
Tonight I was completing the service and sprocket on my 03. I was cleaning up afterwards and went to take her down from the rear stand and didnt notice the kick stand was not all the way down . I guess I should've had better hold of the grab rail while taking her down becuase when she reached the ground and started to roll forward when the kickstand swang back I just didnt have time or the strength to catch her . She came away with a few scratches on the left side and a broken clutch lever tip . My pride was hurt more than anything else . I knew I should've got those frame sliders last month when I was thinking about them . Oh well gotta order some new stuff come Monday . Probably gonna live with the scratches untill this winter and get some custom paint and wheels .
Sorry to hear it! You never know when those things are going to transpire! Happens so quick!
that sux sorry to hear
Wow, sorry about that, do most of you put up and take down your bikes on the rear stand by yourself? I always have someone help me, it may take longer to get things done, but I could never figure out how to hold the bike and lift at the same time.
Wow, sorry about that, do most of you put up and take down your bikes on the rear stand by yourself? I always have someone help me, it may take longer to get things done, but I could never figure out how to hold the bike and lift at the same time.
Not brave enough to try on my own ..
sorry to hear about the fall m8!! but one thing is absolutely certain.. when she decides to go down.. there's no one strong enough to hold her back!!
Sorry guy, I think I told you before that the sliders should be the first thing you buy along wit some gear. Hey, it could have been worse!
That sucks... It happens to the best of us though! Now you have a reason for a cool custom paint job.
Sorry to hear. After hearing stories like this, I really need to suck it up and just do the frame sliders. I just hate the thought of cutting into those perfect fenders.
Dude that sucks! I feel for ya, bro.
At least you've got a positive outlook.
Man, I was there last weekend. Bike fell in the garage. I share your embarassment.

Frame sliders on order!