Fell tonight

Wow, sorry about that, do most of you put up and take down your bikes on the rear stand by yourself? I always have someone help me, it may take longer to get things done, but I could never figure out how to hold the bike and lift at the same time.
Not brave enough to try on my own ..
its real easy just do it slow and make sure you have the grab rail on
if yer not into the look of the grab rail, just remove the hump or rear seat, and use the cross member of subframe as a grabbing point.
Very sorry to hear of the scratches. yes fix in the winter and ride ride now.
Sorry to hear that Bro......I often raise and lower my Bus solo . I do not have the grab rail attached but I insure that I have a good grip on the tail section and insure that the side stand is completely forward. My condolences.
on my first oil change i scratched the powder coating on my header pipe 2inch scratch my best friend was backing up and his pipe put a nice 3 inch scratch on my pipe a rock flew up and nicked my front cowl nice little chunck knocked out i could go on ....... i know how you feel it is a sad feeling sickining even, after a little time went by i have learned to live with these things after priceing the new parts. she still runs like a bat out of hades and if your not right up on her you cant see them that bad, any way sorry about the fall that had to bite bad
Sorry to hear that.
At least it didn't fall onto your car.

For you guys that are having problems, are you using the pad type stand or spool type?

I was really nervous about using my rear stand for the first time but soon found out the bike isn't going anywhere while the stand in contacing the spools. I don't even take the hump off let alone attach the grab bar.
I straighten the bike by holding on to the frame in the cut out that Suzuki put there for putting the bike on the optional center stand. With my right hand I position the stand under the spools, once it's contacting the spools the bike is stable and I completely let go of the bike, grab the stand handle with both hands and push down on it and the bike goes right up.
Going back down is even easier, once the tire touches the floor I leave the stand contacting the spools, grab the bike and guide it to the kick stand while lowering the swing arm stand the rest of the way.