FI - What the hell is going on?

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Ive had my 'busa over a week now but i have been checking this site out for some time and I must ask. 'What is the deal with FI - it seems to be programmeable. If this is so would someone enlighten me as to how,why,where etc cos ive had my rhino for nine days and i think she owes me for rescueing her from 'hell why didnt i buy an R1 this is too fast for me' owners club.

Advice - Sensible - Now.

Keep it real cos i dont actually have too much time for this Internet crap. Hey lets face it when the temperature hits the low twenties its time to hit the road (literally!)
Ok JC care to divulge more info, whats block off plates(remember im used to the old T-Rexup). Dont have to waste your typing finger if you dont want to and I do really appreciate your response. just point me un the right direction re Posted discussions.

You Top Fella!
If you remove your PAIR (fresh air injection into the exhaust) valve you will need "block off plates" to cover the exposed holes left in the head near the exhaust ports. JC sells these if you need 'em.

The FI system is programmable in a limited fashion by reprogramming the ECU with a Yosh box or in an extensive fashion by addition of a DynoJet Power Commander-II box. Different modifications require different FI maps for the PC-II and you can find a lot of info. on that topic on this site.

Good Luck
Gee If I post something now I would be coping someone else. I don't want to look like a pep boys employee.

Make it breathe the more air the better.
Caution too much air you will need a PC2 to add the proper amount of fuel.