Hey Shindo97,This is some BULL$HIT...i have hired one of the Top Corp. Lawyers to file a class action, and civil lawsuit against Suzuki USA, for the sum 2.5 million.
When i bought my Busa there was not a Surgeon Generals warning that this product is ADDICTING. That it can cause long term day dreaming and smiling. I hate smiling, and should not be forced to...i live in the USA and i dont have to if i dont want to.
I now find it hard to work during the day, and when it rains i notice my mood swings. I become uneasy and angry because i have to drive in a car. I also find that i frequent this internet forum, which keeps me from my work....again another bi-product of this so called Motorcycle.
Before i purchased this bike my life was fine and normal...now everyday i find it harder and harder to obey simple things such as Speed Limits...it has changed me...all without a disclaimer....
Now i love this bike so much that i would kill anyone who tried to take it from me.
I think Suzuki should supply me with Busa's every year....its their fault i am like this...
For $50 and a box of envelopes, I'll testify...