Filling the gas tank while on the bike

Think about it when are conditions right for static electricity to build up. Usually it's in the winter months when the air is dry. I don't think the time of the year we ride is dry enough to cause this problem unless you live in Arazona or some other dry climate. I always sit on the bikes to fill them never had a problem guess I'll go on living dangerously.
Pull up, slap in the card, open the tank, punch 87 button, full speed fill, return nozzle, lock tank, start bike and zoom off. Spark never had a chance to catch me!

X2 except the card part.....
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I ALWAYS stay on the bike while I fill up. I like the cool, refreshing feeling of the chilled gas flowing through the tank, my thighs... Nevermind. :laugh:
I fill up straddling the bike, smoking a big fat cigar, buck naked, chugging a fifth of Jack danials, all the while spewing obscenities at the nearest Hell's Angels.

I ride alone a lot.... :whistle::laugh:

Seriously, though, where's the static coming from? You touch metal to ground yourself. Ummm.... Hellooooooo! Gas tank is ALLLLLLL metal. If you're sitting in the seat, filling up, then your legs are touching the tank (grounding you) and you SHOULD have the fill nozzle touching the edge of the tank, too (grounding it). Now... If you're all wearing your leather gear like good little boys and girls then leather isn't very good at creating static electricity. Neither is vinyl (which is what your seat is covered with). So even if you were to be wearing jeans, you're still rather safe. Now. Onto the next problem with this idea. Static electricity ignited fires at gas pumps are caused by people starting the pump, going and getting back in the car, sliding out of their CLOTH seats, and grabbing the METAL handle on the pump. Thereby grounding themselves again, creating a spark and igniting the fumes coming from the tank. SO! If you STAY on the bike (like everyone who sits on the bike while filling up would be) then you never let go of the handle during fill-up, thereby never losing your ground (if by some chance you lost the one you were getting from the tank) eliminating the issue at hand. If you were going to create a spark at all, it would be when you first grabbed the handle before you ever started filling up, and if it's going to spark there while sitting on the bike, then it's going to spark there even if you're not on the bike...... Sorry, but I'm calling BS on this idea. I'm sure SOMEBODY could do some study and make it actually happen, but the odds of that happening in every day life.... Highly doubtful.
I always fill up while sitting on my bike.:lala: Sometimes when I fill up on a cold ride I splash some gas all over the tank and light it on fire to warm up my hands (not fun ridding with cold hands). So are you saying I shouldn't warm up my hands at the gas station? Whats a guy supposed to do? I just really don't see what the problem is.:laugh:
Cali ain't Portugal. Here you can barely get the gas outta the hose and into the tank.

When I was out there it took me 10 minutes to fill up the first time.:rofl:

Was pumping one ounce at a time until somebody told me how to make the pump work.:rulez:
If your feet grounded you, think about it, you'd NEVER get a shock... Well, unless you were laying down that is.. :whistle:
How many times have you shocked someone with static by rubbing your feet across the carpet in cold weather ( from the cold and low relative humitidy).Your feet were on the ground then. I think the guy has a point...Even though most have done it,,,all it takes is the conditions to be exactly right and you have a bad problem. Thanks for pointing this out.