Finally bought my son his first car....

I told him that this car would be a magnet for others trying to prove something... We hadn't gone 5 miles bringing it home and a little 4 door something with a bolt on wing on the back pulled up beside us... I told Evan everything this kid was going to do, pull up next to us, look over, pass us (he did) We pulled up to a stop light right next to him a couple miles away, this kid took off loud pipes and not going very fast.. we pulled from the light like normal and caught up to the kid again because of traffic... The kid did it again, Evan thought it was pretty funny that just by driving a car he could predict what other would do......

He works harder and has his head screwed on better than most adults I know.... He paid for part, I paid for part... Not a silver spoon when a kid 13 starts saving his work money for a car.....

haha thats great, your son seems like a good kid when he sees the humor in that... a good saying to the stop light racers is
"first one there waits the longest"

so when he turns 18, gonna get him a gen1? :P
Nice car but the principles to gain it is the true beauty...We need Not only more kids like yours around but more parents like you and the missies..:bowdown:'s great to hear a success story among all the negative news with which we are constantly bombarded :beerchug:
I'm up for adoption and I come with my own husband... LOL :bowdown:

Nice car and please pass my congrats on to the son.. Tell him how lucky he really really is...
The fun part is to see him saving his money.... He saved his birthday money for the past several years and the tight wad wouldnt spend any of his earned money from the past two years on anything, he would rather stay home and keep his money for the car than to go to the movies with his friends. He tithes the first ten percent to the church as he should and he takes care of the things he has. He wants tinted windows, you better bet that he will work more hours to get the money faster. He wants a better stereo, my bet is on him that he will save until he has enough to do it right... No Wal Mart Kraco for him, he is researching on the net every day what subs and head unit he wants to put in there.....

This kid will do well in life in the next few years....
Congrats on having a great youngin...just want to caution you on that LS1 motor. It's no daisy and it will certainly outpace the stock suspension and brakes on that car. Much like Busa ownership the LS1 requires a great deal of restraint.
Congrats on a beautiful car. I can't tell you how many kids come into my dealership and demand that their parents buy them a BMW or I hear them say that the car thier parents picked out and are paying for is not good enough. Makes my blood boil.

On a side note you did not list the engine. Is it the LS1? If so, tell him to keep it on the track if he wants to race. Don't know about your town but here in Raleigh they are confiscating the cars that are stopped when street racing.
Really nice car. Now hook up a GPS Tracker under the hood and see if he backs down from a race when he flies solo.:laugh:
Congrats on having a great youngin...just want to caution you on that LS1 motor. It's no daisy and it will certainly outpace the stock suspension and brakes on that car. Much like Busa ownership the LS1 requires a great deal of restraint.

No way he was getting an LS1, he might have his head on straight but he doesnt need that kind of temptation or responsibility. This car has a V6 3.8 which is plenty for what he needs to be doing... It also get around 30MPG on the highway and 20 in the city....

On a side note you did not list the engine. Is it the LS1?

Insurance was out of this world for a Trans Am with the V8.... He ended up paying 1200 a yr for full coverage, as long as

1. He carries a 3.0 GPA
2. He has no accidents
3. He gets no tickets
hey cap tell me what he wants for his car and i will try to work a great deal for him i work at a stereo shop here so i'll do what i can to save him some money and if he wants it installed be glad to teach him with the install in his car
Outstand choice. You can't go wrong with a Firebird. 2002 was the last year for the Firebird so he better take good care of it or I'll come and take it away from him :). I have a 67 and this is the first year they were made and if I ever get the money I'll start looking for an 02 Trans Am. That way I can have the first and last production model.

Congratulation on the new car. You'll be hooked on Firebirds for they rest of your life.
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My first vehicle was a Honda shadow. All I could afford. Forget about insurance at 18. Got me back and forth to work and college. Parents could have bought me a car but thought it was important to make me pay my own way.
That's a nice car though regardless. Good luck with the new responsibility. Be sure to explain to your new driver how LEO's keep their jobs.
Some really nice wheels for such a young man. He should be very proud!

I started my official driving with a 14yr old '72 Beetle running on 3 1/2 cylinders. A lot more than money went toward that ol' car to make it right that summer.

Where I come from you learn what makes a engine runs, the mechanics, the why it does this when you do that, long before you get behind the wheel of something with any real horsepower. Chit like tinkering with old lawn mowers, mini bikes, 3-wheelers (before Quads), anything with a small motor ... Dad would bring home whatever and say if you can fix it it's yours. Anyway, enough of my reflecting on my past.

Wishing your son the best and many happy memories with that "ol' car". :thumbsup:
No way he was getting an LS1, he might have his head on straight but he doesnt need that kind of temptation or responsibility. This car has a V6 3.8 which is plenty for what he needs to be doing... It also get around 30MPG on the highway and 20 in the city....

Whew...good call.
Very nice first car! He's one lucky high school kid :)

My Dad had a Firebird and a Formula, both great and fun cars. I'm sure your son will take great care of his new ride :thumbsup:

:rofl: Hey, I just realized his car is newer than mine! :laugh: