that is one helluva piece of machinery. if you dont mind, could you tell me what mods you have on that? I would love to outfit one in that same fashion.Just got done outfitting my new patrol rifle and thought I'd snap a few pics. Also finished Patrol Rifle school yesterday. Qualified with a 148 score out of a possible 150 (99%). SWAT only has to shoot a 135 (90%) and patrol (what I do) only has to shoot a 120 (80%). This rifle is awesome and did me proud in training. It is VERY accurate, smooth operating, and finished the course without a single hiccup. Can't wait to start on my next AR build. I'm thinkin' a short barrel "entry" type gun.![]()
Anyway, here are a few pics...
It is the Entry Tactical model. I absolutely LOVE it. Love it more each time I press the trigger and send a round what model of rock river is your gun, i looked at some today at the gun show and they were priced anywhere from 800.00, to 1000.00 dollars, i want to buy one but not sure which one yet any help would be appreciated
Bought it as a "tool" for work, bro. Besides, it's too fun to shoot to let it be a safe queen!Sweet. I love the evil black gun.![]()
That is one sweet sig. I'm not sure if I would have ever fired it. It would be worth a bundle in the future in unfired condition. But then again, what fun would that be.
RRA Entry Tactical with:that is one helluva piece of machinery. if you dont mind, could you tell me what mods you have on that? I would love to outfit one in that same fashion.Just got done outfitting my new patrol rifle and thought I'd snap a few pics. Also finished Patrol Rifle school yesterday. Qualified with a 148 score out of a possible 150 (99%). SWAT only has to shoot a 135 (90%) and patrol (what I do) only has to shoot a 120 (80%). This rifle is awesome and did me proud in training. It is VERY accurate, smooth operating, and finished the course without a single hiccup. Can't wait to start on my next AR build. I'm thinkin' a short barrel "entry" type gun.![]()
Anyway, here are a few pics...
Just to have it and not need it...than to need it and not have it...
Easy to start. Beginning price $1000(Poppy @ Nov. 21 2006,21:03) Nice thread! That AR is sweet. Just what I need, another obsession![]()