Very funny!   :tounge:
I do what I can.... seriously though, good luck with the 750... sweet bike, tamer than a 1k but plenty of get up and go.

Oh ya, chicks dig me.. it's a curse... you know you do.. you just have to admit it! :biggrin: :biggrin:

'Train: didn't mean to hijack your 'conversation' here.. carry on!  We're all waitin' on ya, bro'!
Yo Haywood. You wouldn't stir the pot now would ya? :super: Hehehe... :biggrin:
Very funny!   :tounge:
I do what I can.... seriously though, good luck with the 750... sweet bike, tamer than a 1k but plenty of get up and go.

Oh ya, chicks dig me.. it's a curse... you know you do.. you just have to admit it! :biggrin: :biggrin:

'Train: didn't mean to hijack your 'conversation' here.. carry on!  We're all waitin' on ya, bro'!
Yo Haywood. You wouldn't stir the pot now would ya? :super: Hehehe... :biggrin:
heck no 'Train... I'm just havin' a little fun! Far be it for me to stir the pot, brother..
Let's see now...
Atlanta to Orlando is 440 miles.
Traveling at 150 mph, that should only take about 3 hours.

Three hours isn't too bad of a ride.

Y'all should get together.
I've been working on getting a job back in FL. I've been talking to a couple of places in Orlando. When (thinking positively) I get there you can ride with me when ever you would like. Other than class, I won't have much better to do after work. Of course I've been trying to get back down there since May of last year, so don't count on it.


Sounds good to me! Well (thinking positively also) by then I should have my bike and know how to ride well enough as to go riding from time to time. :)

Welcome to the board and congrats on getting a bike!! I love the GSXR750, it's a sweet bike and plenty powerful!! Glad you are taking the class!!

Are you from Puerto Rico?? I remember another female posting about a year ago from PR who was in school and wanting to get a bike, was that you??? If so; que pasa chica y buena suerte con su motocycleta!! Yo soy feliz para ti!! Hay solo un poquito chicas aqui. Es muy bien a tener una otra!!!! Yo se que los hombres siente el mismo.. ha ha ha (I hope I spelled all that right!!)

Anyways.... Great to see you back!!! Sorry guys, you can carry on now, I'm done!!!



p.s. If you aren't from PR then sorry and I will translate if necessary!!!!
I'm not touching the other stuff in this thread... :super:

Welcome back Vanessa...I wasn't around your first time posting, but glad to see you're getting a new bike...good luck!
Let's see now...
Atlanta to Orlando is 440 miles.
Traveling at 150 mph, that should only take about 3 hours.

Three hours isn't too bad of a ride.

Y'all should get together.
Easy there stkr. I was just extending courtesy and hospitality to a bikeless board sister if she ever makes it my way. I wasn't trying to hook up with her. :wink:

See what you started Haywood? :super: :laugh:
Hey LoBusa!!! Nice reading you're right, that was me! You were the one forming a women group right?

Thanks VABusa!

I have bad news though...seems I won't be getting the bike yet since I found out the escrow company I was told to use is a scam business, so no bike for now; but I'll still keep on searching to see if I can find one. If you guys know of anybody selling one, please let me know.

Thank you all for the support always! :biggrin:
Geez sorry.

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I have bad news though...seems I won't be getting the bike yet since I found out the escrow company I was told to use is a scam business, so no bike for now; but I'll still keep on searching to see if I can find one. If you guys know of anybody selling one, please let me know.

Thank you all for the support always! :biggrin:
SmiLyPR4U -
Sorry to hear about the escrow scam. Hang in there, and I'm sure you can get it worked out.

Don't disappear on us either. You obviously know a few people around here, and I don't think anyone would mind if you just hung out.

Good luck finding a bike. Winter is the best time to get the good deals.

Thank you hon! I look at the bright side though, at least I didn't loose my money.

I'm up for any rides now! Where are my fellow Floridians??? (Orlando - Kissimmee or nearby area) :tounge:
Yeah, sorry to hear you won't be getting the bike just yet. There is still time to achieve your goal, though and as you said at least you didn't lose any money. :biggrin: