I am 5'11", and have the Genmar 3/4" risers and Gel Seat. I rode this bike 4000 miles over two weeks on a tour of the Southwest. Aside from the fact I froze for the first half of the trip (then bought Gerbing heated clothing which solved that), the bike was great. I did have some tightness in the upper back between the shoulders, probably due to being tucked for SO long (it's easy to just keep the dial at 120 on those long interstate drags.) But otherwise, no wrist, neck or butt issues. I was actually pleasantly suprised at how well the gel seat worked. I am considering a Tobin still, but now there is no rush.
I also have been more recently taking the bike into the twisties, and it seems to respond fine. Either I don't have enough experience to know what a really good corner feels like (entirely possible) or the setup is just fine for cornering.