Finally Joined The 'busa Crowd.

I love this color combo so much that, I've considered selling my '09 for one of these '16 or getting mine painted in this color scheme.
Hey mabupa! Yes, the black glass/thunder gray combo really grabs ya. I don't know what color your's is, but I haven't seen a 'Busa in a color scheme I didn't like. How about posting a few good pics (without reflectors!) of your baby so we can see which scheme you have. I don't think I'd do a respray unless you've already made up your mind on the color/graphics change. On the other hand, if you're just looking for a reason to get a new 'busa, then go for it! Does your area dealers have any '16's in that color scheme still available? Good luck with your decision. :thumbsup:
Hey mabupa! Yes, the black glass/thunder gray combo really grabs ya. I don't know what color your's is, but I haven't seen a 'Busa in a color scheme I didn't like. How about posting a few good pics (without reflectors!) of your baby so we can see which scheme you have. I don't think I'd do a respray unless you've already made up your mind on the color/graphics change. On the other hand, if you're just looking for a reason to get a new 'busa, then go for it! Does your area dealers have any '16's in that color scheme still available? Good luck with your decision. :thumbsup:

I have the white '09 model with painted inner and dash panels to match. As for leftover '16s, there is a guy selling one on my local Craigslist and there is a new one at a dealership 1hr away from me. I really don't have a bottomless bank account and have no need to spend money on a new bike, but it would be nice. Just thinking about transferring all my mods to the new bike gives me a headache. There is a local guy that seems to do amazing paint jobs on bikes. He said he could paint mine, but couldn't give me an accurate price without seeing the bike in person, so he just said it would be at least 1k dollars.

Here are some pics of mine. With OEM tail and how it sits now with gsxr tail.

I have the white '09 model with painted inner and dash panels to match. As for leftover '16s, there is a guy selling one on my local Craigslist and there is a new one at a dealership 1hr away from me. I really don't have a bottomless bank account and have no need to spend money on a new bike, but it would be nice. Just thinking about transferring all my mods to the new bike gives me a headache. There is a local guy that seems to do amazing paint jobs on bikes. He said he could paint mine, but couldn't give me an accurate price without seeing the bike in person, so he just said it would be at least 1k dollars.

Here are some pics of mine. With OEM tail and how it sits now with gsxr tail.

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I really like the white/silver/blue scheme. Lots of nice mods (what windscreen is that in the first pic? Does it work well for you? How tall are you?) The GSXR tail is very cool. Having had a gixxer 750 (never rode it though) it's hard for me to wrap my brain around the combo, but it does look cool. Perhaps have your painter match the white/silver/blue scheme of the main body on the tail? Like you, I don't have a bottomless bank account. $1k may be worth it if your bodywork was damaged, faded or scratched up from a fall, but she looks sweet and mint to me! :thumbsup:
I really like the white/silver/blue scheme. Lots of nice mods (what windscreen is that in the first pic? Does it work well for you? How tall are you?) The GSXR tail is very cool. Having had a gixxer 750 (never rode it though) it's hard for me to wrap my brain around the combo, but it does look cool. Perhaps have your painter match the white/silver/blue scheme of the main body on the tail? Like you, I don't have a bottomless bank account. $1k may be worth it if your bodywork was damaged, faded or scratched up from a fall, but she looks sweet and mint to me! :thumbsup:
Thanks for the compliment. I bought this bike, so I think I'm just tired of the same color.
As for the screen, it is the "sport touring" model and I'm about 5 feet 11 inches. It did offer more wind protection, but I switched it with a double bubble screen so that the front would look more proportional with the small tail and have the touring screen in the garage wrapped in plastic.
Yup, you got it BAD bigdev! I did forget to mention I will probably get a taller Zero gravity windscreen. I actually had already bought a Sport touring screen for the gixxer but didn't give it away with the bike when I traded her in on the 'Busa. Crappy company wouldn't let me swap it out for a 'Busa screen so stuck with it. Will try to sell it on ebay or craigslist to some of my $ back. I was wondering if anyone on the forum is tall like me (6'2") and found the need to upgrade their screen. If, what did they get and why. That would be helpful.

If you plan on touring or doing any long day trips, the MRA Vario windscreen is the bees knees in my opinion. Very pricey however. I just bought my second, as I broke my original by landing on it during a high side. I didn't fall somehow, and was able to push myself back into the seat to my amazement. (Moral of the story is cattle guards are quite slippery in the rain. :redface:) But I was more than happy to throw down the $160 for a brand new one. When I am riding on the highway with the spoiler in the up position It feels almost like riding in a vacuum. Very quiet. Great in rain too. I have never had any other windshield so I really don't know how they compare.
Thanks for the compliment. I bought this bike, so I think I'm just tired of the same color.
As for the screen, it is the "sport touring" model and I'm about 5 feet 11 inches. It did offer more wind protection, but I switched it with a double bubble screen so that the front would look more proportional with the small tail and have the touring screen in the garage wrapped in plastic.
I meant to say that I bought the bike new, so I'm just getting tired of the white after years with it. Also, let me know if you are interested in the sport touring screen and we can work something out.
Thanks for the compliment. I bought this bike, so I think I'm just tired of the same color.
As for the screen, it is the "sport touring" model and I'm about 5 feet 11 inches. It did offer more wind protection, but I switched it with a double bubble screen so that the front would look more proportional with the small tail and have the touring screen in the garage wrapped in plastic.
Thanks for the input on the screen. I actually bought a ZGST for the gixxer before realizing the bike was too small for me. I didn't include it with the trade as it is brand new and I gave away a new set of tires (Q3's), oil change using Amsoil 10w40, oil and air filters, gixxer boys license plate relocator and a nice polish and sealant job for free. I am holding off on the doing the same with the 'busa as I am curious how beat up I'll get with the stock screen. At 6'2 I'm sure I will get knocked about a bit. However, I don't plan on any long distance touring.. just spirited rides of a few hours. Maybe a group ride or two when I'm sure the group doesn't have any crazy people in it that put others at risk. I'm sure I'll be wearing ear plugs. I've read mostly favorable reviews of the ST for the busa from riders near my height or taller, but others say the wind now hit's them right in the helmet that knocks their head around at highway speeds. Others say the Puig DB is better than the ZGST. But I haven't polled this forum yet so perhaps I'll do a search first, then post the question if I don't find anything. But first things first.. need to get some miles on her before I make any purchase decision.
Thanks again for the input. Enjoy the weekend! :beerchug:
If you plan on touring or doing any long day trips, the MRA Vario windscreen is the bees knees in my opinion. Very pricey however. I just bought my second, as I broke my original by landing on it during a high side. I didn't fall somehow, and was able to push myself back into the seat to my amazement. (Moral of the story is cattle guards are quite slippery in the rain. :redface:) But I was more than happy to throw down the $160 for a brand new one. When I am riding on the highway with the spoiler in the up position It feels almost like riding in a vacuum. Very quiet. Great in rain too. I have never had any other windshield so I really don't know how they compare.
Hey Jermzfree! Thanks for weighing in. Appreciated. Yes, I read great things about the MRA Vario, but a bit overkill for mentioned above, I don't plan on doing long distance touring. Don't really need a vacuum but a reduction in buffeting would be good. Bottom line though is I haven't even ridden her yet so I'll be holding off until I know what the stock screen will do for me, but I have to assume, not much. :rolleyes:
Sorry to hear about your high side... I would guess that since you do long distance touring, rain is an inevitability. A good friend of mine who rides an old faithful VFR 800 in New Zealand (and has been coaching me every since I got the gixxer in trade a year ago) high sided because of new asphalt that kept ejecting oils during rain storms long after the job was done. Many other MC riders and few cars had mishaps because of it. Seeing the damage his bike sustained broke my heart and reinforced my decision to stay away from wet roads at all costs. I ride a bicycle too when I can and follow the same SOP, but I have been caught once or twice in downpours, and once in a seriously scarey Thunderstorm only a mile from home. I guess taking it really really slow and carefully as I do on my bicycle would probably save me on my 'Busa, but I'm not a gambling man. I have always been a fair weather rider.. I'll take chilly over hot and humid and if there's a chance of boomers in the summer, I'll stay close to home and hope I can outrun the storms (shouldn't be a problem with a 'Busa:race:) She'll stay in the garage if there's more than a small chance of rain. Call me chicken but I've never high sided or crashed. And I credit staying on dry roads for the good fortune, not my masterful MC riding skills (he said facetiously :rolleyes:) . which are quite rusty right now with a 10 year Hiatus since selling my Kawi zRX1200R.
Thanks for the input. Appreciated! :beerchug:
I meant to say that I bought the bike new, so I'm just getting tired of the white after years with it. Also, let me know if you are interested in the sport touring screen and we can work something out.
Understood. No worries on the typo mabupa. :cool:

I think your ST screen may be a good idea. I do want to do a bit more research before swapping out the stock screen but if the price is right, it might be worth a chance as long as it's scratch free. Also, I don't know how far my belly is going to let me tuck down behind the screen but I have read the light smoke is the better choice if one wants to stay tucked down and needs to see through the screen. That the dark smoke is hard to see through? As I said, the point may be moot since I can't see myself tucking down too far for too long, but would like you opinion on that aspect of a Dark smoke ST screen.

I read one reviewer, who is about my height, swapped out his Zero Gravity ST on his 'Busa for Puig's versions of the double bubble and felt less buffeting even though the screen was lower than the ST. IDK. I don't wanna buy one of each, find they don't work, then have to sell them all at a loss. I'll be sure to give you a better indicator of interest after my first ride. That should be enough time on her to know if I need to make a change. Thanks for the consideration.
btw: Know anyone who needs an ZGST for their gixxer? LOL! It never ends I guess... :crazy:
Enjoy the weekend. Hope everyone gets some riding in.
Progress update: I had hoped to get the Puig hugger and yoshi fender eliminator on today, but decided to take the ugly reflectors off first. Of course the fronts came off easy, but when I got the first rear one off, I found out the bracket was held by nuts on the other side, which promptly fell into the lowest part of the plastic rear end. The other reflector nuts just spun, so now she REALLY looks goofy! Looks like I now have to remove the rear plastic to get to those nuts, and let me tell you, it ain't easy!!:mad: First time doing these things never is. But I hope to finish tomorrow and I'll be that much closer to my first ride when the warm weather comes back.

Some good news though.. I started a new job in October and as of Jan 1, the contract I was hired for started in earnest and me and my fellow newbies started perpetual 24/7 on call ever since. Talk about no life! But, after much promising by management to give us our lives back, we now have enough team members to start call rotation Monday night. And I don't come up for on call until late June, well past my vacation end of May. This means I can shut my phone off at 5pm and go for an MC ride without fear I will miss a call out since I can't hear/feel my phone in my riding gear. It will be great to have some freedom again. :bounce: So now, when the temps come up a bit, I can take some quickie rides after supper to get a good feel for her. So looking forward to that! Here in CT, best time for MC rides is now, in Spring before the HHH summers. And again in the Fall, particularly in October, my favorite time of the year here in Southern New England.

Many thanks for everyone kind words of encouragement and advice. :thumbsup:
Understood. No worries on the typo mabupa. :cool:

I think your ST screen may be a good idea. I do want to do a bit more research before swapping out the stock screen but if the price is right, it might be worth a chance as long as it's scratch free. Also, I don't know how far my belly is going to let me tuck down behind the screen but I have read the light smoke is the better choice if one wants to stay tucked down and needs to see through the screen. That the dark smoke is hard to see through? As I said, the point may be moot since I can't see myself tucking down too far for too long, but would like you opinion on that aspect of a Dark smoke ST screen.

I read one reviewer, who is about my height, swapped out his Zero Gravity ST on his 'Busa for Puig's versions of the double bubble and felt less buffeting even though the screen was lower than the ST. IDK. I don't wanna buy one of each, find they don't work, then have to sell them all at a loss. I'll be sure to give you a better indicator of interest after my first ride. That should be enough time on her to know if I need to make a change. Thanks for the consideration.
btw: Know anyone who needs an ZGST for their gixxer? LOL! It never ends I guess... :crazy:
Enjoy the weekend. Hope everyone gets some riding in.
To be honest, I have always had a tank bag on my bike, so I can't really hide behind a screen. I tend to lay on the tank bag and this leaves me looking over the screen. This being said, I can't tell you how it is like to try seeing through the dark screen and I never really find the need to tuck. I guess I could take a pic through it so you can get the idea, but I don't know if you'd be able to tuck complete at your height. Lol!
As for buying different screens, consider yourself lucky if you don't go through several until you find what you like. For reference, my "naked" dirt bike rides smoother than my busa with double bubble screen. That is just because there is no screen to create turbulence around/below your neck and helmet, but you get pretty tired of the wind blasting your full body while doing 75MPH on a bike.
To be honest, I have always had a tank bag on my bike, so I can't really hide behind a screen. I tend to lay on the tank bag and this leaves me looking over the screen. This being said, I can't tell you how it is like to try seeing through the dark screen and I never really find the need to tuck. I guess I could take a pic through it so you can get the idea, but I don't know if you'd be able to tuck complete at your height. Lol!
As for buying different screens, consider yourself lucky if you don't go through several until you find what you like. For reference, my "naked" dirt bike rides smoother than my busa with double bubble screen. That is just because there is no screen to create turbulence around/below your neck and helmet, but you get pretty tired of the wind blasting your full body while doing 75MPH on a bike.
Understood. I can see how a tank bag would keep you from looking through the screen. If you could take a pic through it that would be fine. To be honest, sitting on my 'busa, and like you say, I'm so tall I don't think I'll ever really be able to tuck down far enough for full coverage. But taking the full blast that the stock WS lets by at 75mph would be tiring. I don't plan on spending too much time on the highways here. Kinda boring and police here are laser happy, But I do plan on some quick bursts on isolated back road stretches I know are usually radar/laser free. Hmmm.. decisions decisions.

I remember hitting 130 on the ZRX1200R (considered one of the first naked bikes in 2001) and she was still pulling hard... but that little bikini/cafe fairing did nothing to protect from the blast. Felt like I was going to get ripped from the bars! First and last time I did that. :shocked: But the aerodynamics of the 'Busa combined with a taller than stock windscreen may make the occasional tear up the speedometer a bit less brutal. Not sure how easy the WS is to swap, but perhaps use the taller one for extended high speed highway/touring runs and the stock one for less speedy local rides in the twisties or maybe group rides where the speeds may (or may not?) be a little tamer.

Send the pic and what you'd like for it and we'll go from there. You can reach me at my listed email directly: Final thought... I think the dark smoke screen will look killer on the black/gray Busa. :thumbsup:
Thanks for your patience with this fickle new 'Busa rider.
If it helps, I have all three. I am 6' have Helibars and ride pretty upright most of the time. The stock screen wind hits me in the middle of my chest. It's very nice for hot summer days but is impossible for my far a$$ (240 lbs) to get completely behind. With double bubble wind hits mychest a couple inches below my helmet, sometimes causing problems wanting to pull the helmet off my head. The DB is a joy to hide behind though and is rock steady at 150. The sport touring screen is my cold weather sheild, body completely out of the wind, wind hits me in the visor allowing the aerodynamics of my helmet to shine. Getting behind it takes no effort at all. At 150 the ST will buffet a bit though.

Changing out windshields only takes a couple of minutes, so that's not a problem. I run the DB the most, but it's not because it's my favorite it's because it offers the best visibility of my radar detector. I don't know if I would happy not having all three. They are all great at what they do, and there is a very noticeable in all three.
If it helps, I have all three. I am 6' have Helibars and ride pretty upright most of the time. The stock screen wind hits me in the middle of my chest. It's very nice for hot summer days but is impossible for my far a$$ (240 lbs) to get completely behind. With double bubble wind hits mychest a couple inches below my helmet, sometimes causing problems wanting to pull the helmet off my head. The DB is a joy to hide behind though and is rock steady at 150. The sport touring screen is my cold weather sheild, body completely out of the wind, wind hits me in the visor allowing the aerodynamics of my helmet to shine. Getting behind it takes no effort at all. At 150 the ST will buffet a bit though.

Changing out windshields only takes a couple of minutes, so that's not a problem. I run the DB the most, but it's not because it's my favorite it's because it offers the best visibility of my radar detector. I don't know if I would happy not having all three. They are all great at what they do, and there is a very noticeable in all three.
Which DB do you have? The reason I ask is that I have a Zero Gravity DB and it gets crazy above 125-130, flapping like crazy. I have factory mirrors, which I've tried folding back and totally removing in an attempt to isolate the issue with no luck. The only thing that I can attribute the shaking to is the WS, which seems rather flimsy to me anyway compared to the factory screen on my gen 1.
Which DB do you have? The reason I ask is that I have a Zero Gravity DB and it gets crazy above 125-130, flapping like crazy. I have factory mirrors, which I've tried folding back and totally removing in an attempt to isolate the issue with no luck. The only thing that I can attribute the shaking to is the WS, which seems rather flimsy to me anyway compared to the factory screen on my gen 1.

I have a Puig DB. I also have it on a gen 2. Not sure if that makes a difference. My ST screen is a Zero Gravity.
I have a Puig DB. I also have it on a gen 2. Not sure if that makes a difference. My ST screen is a Zero Gravity.
I'm going to try the Puig next, I'd read somewhere that they were a bit thicker in construction and your post seems to confirm that as it's solid on your bike. My issue is on my gen 2 currently, it was pretty late when I posted and I only had one eye open, didn't make that clear. Thanks for the input.
I've leaned towards Puig on all my bikes. Definitely a much better constructed screen than ZG. There is a noticeable difference when comparing them side by side.