
OB_Mental 1

Well I finally went for a ride on my blue/silver Busa the other day. I bought it way back in January, but had to have surgury on my wrist due to an ice hockey injury. I spent seven long weeks in a full arm cast, and have been going through six weeks of therapy.

This bike rocks! I have been reading this board and enjoying everything that everyone has shared, both positive and negative. I have 205 miles now and really enjoy it. It is nice and smooth, with loads of torque, wow!

Can't wait until it is all broken in, see you on the road.

Hayabusa away.....
You haven't lived until you've ridden in a
taxi made out of some kind of Moped in Thailand.I loved the Navy,but MONEY talks.
Civilian jobs pay more and have better hours.
I remember riding my buddies '87 VFR with a cast on my left hand.He made me ride it after I had recovered enough after tossing my '88 Hurricane.I only had my index and middle finger that weren't covered.I hooked the thumb part on the grip and used the two free fingers to work the clutch.It hurt like heck, but I was hooked again!!


[This message has been edited by BUSA00021 (edited 22 June 2000).]
Ride safe,I remember when I had a cast on me it was a boxers fracture due to a stupid Chief in the Navy pushed his button to far on me and instead of hitting the guy I punched out a storage cabinet and bang,cast on.The sad part is I was two weeks away from Christmas Leave and the cast had to stay on for a whole month.I told my Navy doctor that he was going to have to cut the cast off in 2 weeks or else it was going to come off anyways when I went surfing when I got to Hawaii.He gave me a brace type unit and told me to use it when I went surfing,talk about can't wait to surf,must be the same feeling with can't wait to ride the BUSA.Ride safe.