
brake light and blinker

That ass is hot! If I didn't have an undertail already definitely would had gone with one of those.
Did you get it from allied barter? Are those Liberteks or Iceman's LEDs? That azz looks sick! That's exactly what I want to do to my 04 SE with red LEDs instead of black.
no I got it from ccp ccp had a deal going on for members for the gun tail plus libertek leds.
leds are liberteks.  I wanted to go with iceman leds but he didn't have the led blinkers like I wanted so I opted to go with the matching libertek set.

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Hey fst you comping my ideas for plate mounting i see how it is
spying on my bike when it was at spaz's wasn't ya lol it's all good man just playin
nah man I was trying to find a way to mount the plate without drilling the undertail so I took the supplied bracket and bored the holes out bigger and used the old exhaust mount to hold it.... took it up to a buck thirty today and when I got home it was still on there...
I figured it woulda fell off.
Good job fst.. so you and I were both working on our undertails today!! lol.. thats cool.. You undertail looks good fst... I still like mine though
fstbusa - Looking good. Clever tag mount too (carbon fiber is strong stuff--it should stay put indefinitely)!
Well fst ya could always get the bracket from Tiger racing a bit costly or make one but it is a nice bracket i just got mine in the mail the other day off to the powdercoater now
no way... I have looked at that bracket you're talkin bout... I'm never gonna pay that much. I was proud of how i rigged mine up and it really doesn't look that bad. And if it stays put and doesn't fall off then I'm golden. It didn't cost any extra $$ and almost looks as nice.