Fire Is Close

I can ride the Busa out,come back and load the dirt bike on the back of the Jeep/fill it up and go park in a shopping center about 2 miles away.Hopefully they'll knock it down tomorrow or Thurs.(but isn't looking all that promising at the moment bro).
I can ride the Busa out,come back and load the dirt bike on the back of the Jeep/fill it up and go park in a shopping center about 2 miles away.Hopefully they'll knock it down tomorrow or Thurs.(but isn't looking all that promising at the moment bro).
All joking aside, just be safe man. That being said one of those giant rainbird sprinklers the farmers round here like to pump cow poop through would be awesome on your roof in these situations.
I'm ok for now guys,went to work at 4:30 but came right back home(who wants to work anyway:laugh:)in case they did a mandatory evac. and wouldn't let me in(will be home for the rest of the week).Saw a bunch of fire crews stationed in the Vons parking lot.Smoke was so black on the 15 South from Corona at 7:00 had to have my headlights on.On a better note,looks like the fire is drifting North so just may luck out.:banana:
Back home now. The smoke is indeed moving North-West piratediverjefff. I can see the Cajon Pass area from my area and it looks pretty bad. I also understand there is a new fire in the Newhall area near I-5 and 14

Started mandatory evacuation about an hour ago and the old lady went to her sisters,finally got a little peace and quiet around here.:laugh:I'm not leavin' unless the houses across the street catch fire,but can't see it getting down this far.I still have that extra hose and lawn chair out in the front yard waitin' for ya Red.:laugh: :super:
Started mandatory evacuation about an hour ago
and the old lady went to her sisters,
finally got a little peace and quiet around here .


I'm not leavin' unless the houses
across the street catch fire,
but can't see it getting down this far .

I still have that extra hose and lawn chair
out in the front yard waitin' for ya Red .



Making my way over there once I get my old lady settled down ~ hope they let me in & do not arrest me *

Turn on your sprinklers brother & wet down the roof & eves around your house *