First near death experence

OK this Sh*t is getting outa hand. Theres this thread, pastie5's thread and of course what happened this morning.

What happened this morning you ask? Let me tell you. Morning ride 18 bikes. 2 Busa's some GSXR1Ks couple o'Yammies real mixed bunch. We're all running down some of the local twisties. The same ones we've been running for over 13 years. I'm running 4th.(not racing just where I was in line). Go around a medium blind (thick stand of trees/bushes) left sweeper. The three bikes that had been in front are now scattered across the road. Quickly followed by the R6 behind me. Why??? Because some Yahoo thought that it was a good idea to spread sand on the corner. Right in front of the tree limb he/she/they laid across the road. What makes it worse is We had just passed a slow moving Buick that made no effort what so ever to warn us (other than its ridiculously slow speed). Fortunately no serious injuries among the riders. 2 of the 4 bikes needed towed though.
Just a bunch of torn up plastics. one trashed fork aand a cracked clutch cover.
One broken wrist. assorted bruises. Some dirty leathers and a few dinged helmets.

People just don't *THINK* of the consequences of their actions.

You know what, having the gun concelaed while you ride will likely do nothing but get you in trouble. If the heat was as bad as today, the thing would probably fire on it's own. But what if you buy a harness and put a .45 dead center in your plain view so the world can see it. I know you will likely never use it... but I bet you anything the number of people that cut you off would decline. Don't even load it or have bullets on you in case a cop stops you.

Put a sticker on your helmet... "3000lb automobiles are deadly weapons, and so is this Sig Sauer .45 on my back...your choice?" I know I am dreaming because the police would have a field day... or maybe not? What is the law if you have a concealed permit... could you wear a strap in plain sight?
Hey Liquordale, it's bad all over Florida.  To much heat, Humidity, and Stupidity.

Get your concealed carry.  Buy a shined up .357cal Desert Eagle.  Learn to wave it around without actually pointing it at anybody.
Yep.......I'm movin to the States soon.......good place to raise kids.

You guys freak me out, always talkin bout packin.......I'm a huge fan of artillery....and own my fare share, but have never had to carry up here....... what gives?
Hi there!  (in the voice of Washington from Welcome back Cotter)

lets not get on the subject of countries, ideals, gvmt, etc...
I found out that I am not allowed in your cuntry because I had a DUI in the past. THAT is assinine. I was invited to a huge race next month........... guess what? cant go!
Sorry to hear it Cache......I know a few people in the same situation.........of course.......they can't get into the States......same reason.
Revenge can be costly! Think it through carefully over a cup of coffee...... Then don't do it. Get their tag number and let the cops know. :crazy:
Am I living under a rock here in the country? I've never heard of people intentionally trying to hit motorcycles...oh, I'm not surprised by it, but I've just never seen it first hand. Been lucky I guess...

The only thing we have to really watch for here in the stix are little old ladies that can barely see over the steering wheel! My husband and I witnessed first hand on Saturday an old lady with a death wish...we were sitting at a stop sign getting ready to turn left on to a two-lane road. In front of us was a little old lady in a station wagon, getting ready to turn left down the road we were sitting on. She did something I've never seen before...instead of just holding up traffic behind her by waiting for oncoming traffic to pass, she pulled over on the right shoulder of the road and waited...

So, we're sitting there, waiting to turn left, she's got traffic passing her and she's now trying to not only wait for oncoming traffic, but eyeing cars coming up along side of her...what do you think she does? She makes her left hand turn in front of some of the cars as they rolled up beside her and nearly got clipped by oncoming traffic. Never in my life seen someone pull over on the right shoulder of the road to make a left hand turn!

My husband motioned to her as she passed us by holding his arms over his face as if she were going to hit him. Sure she never saw him because she was busy running in the ditch once she'd made her turn!

That's the kind of driving we have to watch for here in the guys can have those Kamakazee (sp?) "fast and furious" cagers any day...we'll just dodge old ladies! :biggrin:
Hey VABusa, come up here and ride the Capital Beltway with me sometime. You'll either get swerved at by someone intentionally trying to take you out or you'll get near-missed by some of the non-english speaking folks up here who bought their drivers license. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Postal -

I can hardly maneuver the Beltway in my car! Bunch of crazies! I wouldn't dare take a bike up that way...if I need to get to the D.C. area, I'll take 301! :) Hell, I-95 isn't too awful, but the Beltway is a circus!
Why is everyone always so concerned about gun laws. I'm from the south and where I come from, everyone has a gun. Either a rifle or shotgun in the truck to a pistol in the car. People who live in bigger metropolitan areas who aren't allowed leeway with guns due to the laws and are just sheep!! The crooks have the guns and don't give two shits about prankin' on ya cause they know you ain't packin.. But just think if they knew everyone was bringing the heat, I tell you one thing there would be a lot of so called respect.... And for those sugarbritches swervin at bikes, let one swerve at me and see if he doesn't get run down and dealt with!!

:rant: :devil:
Here is my story, this is a cut/paste from an E-Mail I sent to a friend here at work, so there are names that may not make sense to you all here, but I wanted to share with you all.

Names used

Dennis (My Son)
Tiffiny (Dennis' wife)
Jessica (My Daughter)

Start C&P

I bought a new motorcycle last week as well as my son Dennis.

Have to tell you this story.

Yesterday, Dennis and Tiffiny, Jessica and Gary and all children come over for a family dinner, Glenn and D also.

So Jess asks me to take her on a ride. I say lets go. We take off for the lakeside roads I told you about in our phone conversation for a 20 minute ride.

I forget my sunglasses, and realize it 5 mins into the ride, so decide to finish the ride with no eye protection.

All goes well, we are heading back to my house. A truck is in front of me and Dennis, he is a slowpoke and throwing up the usual dirt, getting into my eyes a little bit, enough to make me want to pass him.

So I pass him, safely in the passing lane, and get ahead of him where the air is clean.

Dennis goes to pass him, and he swerves into Dennis lane, trying to run him off the road. Dennis guns his machine, and passes the idiot. Dennis catches up to me, and says to me, "Dad !! That ####### tried to run me off the road !!!" I reply with, "Well, all is OK so lets just go on home and eat, we cannot fight a 2 ton truck with our bikes"

We get close to our turnoff, and I look in my mirror behind me, and the ####### is tailgating us.

We turn, and stop, and as the ####### drives by, he flips us off, and yells something at us.

I tell Dennis, "Go get his license plate number, we are reporting this idiot"

Dennis takes off after him, and ####### stops right before the onramp to 820 and jumps out of the truck with a baseball bat, threatens Dennis (as Dennis is memorizing the license plate number) and Dennis turns around and takes off back to where he left us.

I had taken off towards where Dennis went in the meantime, left Jessica and Tiffiny there on the corner.

As I make the 90 deg left turn, I see Dennis hauling ass towards me pointing back as we pass one another.

I continue towards 820, looking for a place to turn around, and this truck is coming towards me, unknown to me that it is the #######.

He gets 200 feet in front of me, and we are headed towards one another at approx 40 MPH, and suddenly he swerves into my lane, heading me into a head on collision with a 4000 pound GMC full size P/U truck.

I slam on the brakes, and head off the side of the road into soft dirt in order to avoid him, and come DAMN close to spilling my bike in the dirt.

I turn to go back towards him, and Dennis, and he turns around again, now heading back towards 820, and I pull off the road well before he gets near me. He stops his truck right next to me, I cannot get off the bike due to the kickstand in the dirt wouldn't hold the bike up. Dennis gets there within seconds, and parks his bike, gets off and heads towards the truck, wanting to drag the punk out and beat him to a pulp.

I yell at Dennis, "Get away from him, we will have the police take care of him, you have his license now"

Dennis was right in this sugarbritches face, and didn't hit him, listened to Dad and went back to his bike, we go home and call the police.

The ####### will be charged with all sorts of charges, I am awaiting the Detectives call now to get the details.

Considering to start carrying a gun with me now.


End C&P

Well, it has been 2 weeks now and no call from the police, I am really disappointed with the justice system, and I have a friend that works for Ft Worth PD, and my next step is to get him to get me an address.....the rest of the story will be top secret......

Peace to all
Dr: You need to go to the Police station and fill out a complaint, if you haven't already. That is the only way they will take action. Leave it to them dude, you'll only end up getting into some unwanted trouble. Just my .02

Take care, glad you all are safe!


hey dr if the police do not resolve the situation and you do the police won't be so slow to come and get you. unfortunate but true let sleeping dogs lie
Postal, I already filled out a police report, that is another long story in itself, but have a report number to reference to, and the cop that showed up ran the plate number and it came back to the same GMC P/U truck that we described, so we have the man nailed.

KB97, you are absolutely correct in your statement re: the cops would be at my door in seconds should I take care of him my way.

I am so upset that the Fort Worth PD didn't take this as seriously as I think they should have, to me it was attempted murder, the cop told me it definately wasn't attempted murder, he said I would have to have been shot at to make that a 4000 pound truck hurling straight at me wasn't bad enough, had I not been quick enough we would have met head on, and we all know who the winner of that one would have been. Not to mention that the sorry MoFo took a bat out on my Son, although Dennis made a quick get-away from him....

Justice will prevail somehow, I will see to that, may wait a year to get my payback.....he he he
Sorry to hear about that JustGotaBusa, I have never seen that riding around Denver for the last 9 years. But I will certainly keep my eyes open for this now. Are you heading up to Cyclefest this weekend? Me and Big Wall are heading up Saturday morning if you want to join us.

After hearing all of these horror stories I am starting to consider packing when I go riding but am hesitant to get a gun though. Could escalate things to the point of no return. Perhaps a sticker on my helmet that says "This rider protected by Smith & Wesson" might do the trick though. I try not to piss off other drivers by cutting too closely and if someone is jacking around with me I either get the hell out of there or I just let them go by. I know I am not going to win with a car.
Postal, I already filled out a police report, that is another long story in itself, but have a report number to reference to, and the cop that showed up ran the plate number and it came back to the same GMC P/U truck that we described, so we have the man nailed.

KB97, you are absolutely correct in your statement re: the cops would be at my door in seconds should I take care of him my way.

I am so upset that the Fort Worth PD didn't take this as seriously as I think they should have, to me it was attempted murder, the cop told me it definately wasn't attempted murder, he said I would have to have been shot at to make that a 4000 pound truck hurling straight at me wasn't bad enough, had I not been quick enough we would have met head on, and we all know who the winner of that one would have been. Not to mention that the sorry MoFo took a bat out on my Son, although Dennis made a quick get-away from him....

Justice will prevail somehow, I will see to that, may wait a year to get my payback.....he he he
Wonder what the cops would have done had they seen this guy trying to take you guys out?

The judicial system isn't always what you'd hope for, but I'd try and keep things on the up and up so you don't find yourself on the other side of the law!

Hate to see you get wrapped up in something that goes bad real fast...the guy was an idiot...he was wrong...but, you guys made it home safely and that means a lot...

This is your more level-headed conscious, signing off...just don't get yourself in trouble...
