Today the weather finally cleared up enough in the afternoon to get my new Black/Gray 05 GSXR1000 out for the break in. Tonight she has 117 miles on her. I broke her in with a hard throttle and she ran great. Now it's time to change the oil before I take her out again.
I can say this bike is a complete different animal from the 04. The biggest negitive is low gear, it's way too tall for my liking. I don't think any of you busa guys will have much worry about the new gixxer launching off the line ahead of you. It actually feels like taking off in second on my 04. Lots of clutch slipping to get her moving. More like a 600. However, once the clutch is engaged and the throttle is turned it lolly gags around like a 600 until the RPM reaches 8K and then it turns into a complete speed demon. The front tire begins to lift off and only throttle control will keep it down. I found it not to be nearly as wheelie prone as the 04. It makes really good power but the front don't get carried away like the older gixxers. I'm not sure a stock busa will out pull her once she is moving.
The transmission is smooth and the shift is much shorter than the 04. Just a bump of the shifter and she moves up or down a gear with little effort. The slipper clutch works great. You get no tire slipage when down shifting. Really great improvement. I did notice the clutch slips slightly on a clutch wheelie. Not as agressive as the 04. I like the 04 better for clutch wheelies. Once she was up, the new gixxer has much better vision. Very little effort to look around the cowling. The rear tire is not in true alignment as the bike would move to the right every time I pulled it up unless I counter steered with weight off the left side. I can fix that with little effort. A little less air in the rear tire will help as well.
Where she really made an improvement was cornering. It simply would dive into the corners. I can see this puppy being a confidence inspiring track toy to envy. Pulling out of the corner with throttle was a pure joy. Power is massive but very manageable. Never got any tire spin even on new tires but she pulled hard.
I found the suspension to be more firm than it's predasessor. Right out of the box with no adjustments it felt really good for a new bike. The rear felt really good even though the front could use a little more spring tension?
The jest of it is, this is an awsome piece of Japanese technology and I would advise everyone to take a ride on this awsome machine. You are guaranteed to have a grin on your face for days and will be anxious to get in the saddle again! I only bumped her up to 140 in forth gear and it felt very stable. The small cowling doesn't do much for wind protection. I couldn't get my head down low enough to get out of the wind. The wind screen is "Tiny"!
The other bike (My son's) is going on the dyno tomorrow for the break in. I hope to have some dyno numbers for you guys tomorrow night. I'll post them as soon as I get them!
I can say this bike is a complete different animal from the 04. The biggest negitive is low gear, it's way too tall for my liking. I don't think any of you busa guys will have much worry about the new gixxer launching off the line ahead of you. It actually feels like taking off in second on my 04. Lots of clutch slipping to get her moving. More like a 600. However, once the clutch is engaged and the throttle is turned it lolly gags around like a 600 until the RPM reaches 8K and then it turns into a complete speed demon. The front tire begins to lift off and only throttle control will keep it down. I found it not to be nearly as wheelie prone as the 04. It makes really good power but the front don't get carried away like the older gixxers. I'm not sure a stock busa will out pull her once she is moving.
The transmission is smooth and the shift is much shorter than the 04. Just a bump of the shifter and she moves up or down a gear with little effort. The slipper clutch works great. You get no tire slipage when down shifting. Really great improvement. I did notice the clutch slips slightly on a clutch wheelie. Not as agressive as the 04. I like the 04 better for clutch wheelies. Once she was up, the new gixxer has much better vision. Very little effort to look around the cowling. The rear tire is not in true alignment as the bike would move to the right every time I pulled it up unless I counter steered with weight off the left side. I can fix that with little effort. A little less air in the rear tire will help as well.
Where she really made an improvement was cornering. It simply would dive into the corners. I can see this puppy being a confidence inspiring track toy to envy. Pulling out of the corner with throttle was a pure joy. Power is massive but very manageable. Never got any tire spin even on new tires but she pulled hard.
I found the suspension to be more firm than it's predasessor. Right out of the box with no adjustments it felt really good for a new bike. The rear felt really good even though the front could use a little more spring tension?
The jest of it is, this is an awsome piece of Japanese technology and I would advise everyone to take a ride on this awsome machine. You are guaranteed to have a grin on your face for days and will be anxious to get in the saddle again! I only bumped her up to 140 in forth gear and it felt very stable. The small cowling doesn't do much for wind protection. I couldn't get my head down low enough to get out of the wind. The wind screen is "Tiny"!
The other bike (My son's) is going on the dyno tomorrow for the break in. I hope to have some dyno numbers for you guys tomorrow night. I'll post them as soon as I get them!