Got a Gixxer! Fo the Wife!

Then the surface was sanded smooth.
Any other deep scratches were filled with epoxy, sanded and smoothed. Here a guide coat covering the repaired area will be sanded off. This reveals any imperfections as the primer is sanded away.
Next step will be white primer over entire fairing. Then sand then primer again. Then basecoat, topcoat and clear.

Congrats to the Wife, She will have a Blast with the GSXR, Looks Like you are having all the fun of working on it, Quality Job you are accomplishing from the photos you have attached.  

It is a LUCKY man whos Wife will Ride with him, Enjoy and be Safe!!
The color is pearl flash yellow. I hope my paint supplier can mix this accurately. The suzuki code is YEC.
I'm worried about not getting a proper match and I don't want to paint the entire bike. The rest of the bike is perfect.

Anyone else have luck getting a good match?


I got the paint mixed at my local PPG supplier. They had to get it mixed in Richmond, Va. cuz its Global PPG or something. The paint and primer and supplies cost about 100 bucks.

Here's a few shots of the repaired fairing, fender and cowl with the first coat of 2k primer. Now time to wet sand again.......................



That looks good. I bet the brownie points with the wife are maxed out too = more busa parts.
<marquee>UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!</marquee>

Alright got some good weather here yesterday and got the gixxer parts painted!

Last week I got the parts wetsanded and ready fer paint but the weather sucked so I had to wait.............

And theres (yes, thats right folks) PICS! Woohoo!


Here's a pic of my hand - wet sanding.

Exciting , huh?

And here is the paint and supplies , not including the clear and hardener, I got from my favorite local PPG supplier...............


To match the Suzuki yellow I had to go with PPG Global line paint. YEC pearl flash yellow is a Tri coat paint meaning a base coat a mid coat and a clear coat.
I never did a tri coat before but it turned out pretty good................

Paint turned out pretty good...

The top panel is the painted one the bottom is the stock original part. The match is pretty good...
