Hi everyone,
First off, I want to thank you all for the kind words and words of support.
Zuki was wonderful while I was riding, I was a little afraid that he would yell at me for all the things I was doing wrong, but never did. He just kept telling me how great I was doing, and it made me feel good about the whole experience. I know there are a lot of risks in riding, and learning more, just by reading even, however, there are risks in everything we do in life. Yes I have two children, and Zuki is making me get a big life insurance out on me, and a living will. I think it's cute, but also a good idea. I am excited to take the MSF classes.
I know I was meant to ride, it doesn't matter if I am not good on my feet! heehee
I just know when I sat on the GSXR, it was perfect, not scary, but I felt more like a kid that was doing something I have wanted to do forever...and in the winter! that rocks!!!
There were times when I seen snow or sand or wet, and got a little nervous, however, I felt the way the bike wanted to move and went with it. I realize you need to have confidence in the bike you ride. I felt that this bike was made for me. The pictures make it look like the bike sits a little to high, but it really doesn't. I can stand with my feet flat and little give in the knee. I think it was just the camera. But next time I am on it I will see what Zuki thinks.
It was scary going down his driveway....it looked a lot steeper then it really is, so I had the brakes on most of the whole time. I wouldn't do anything I didn't feel good with.
Zuki is a great teacher, and I am so lucky to have him to ride with, just wish you wouldn't worry so much hunny!
Anyways, I could go on and on. Thank you again for all the kind words. and every little bit of input helps.