Thought over several options and decided to hire a good attorney. He was $150 and had I decided to go myself I'd easily lose twice that taking time off work.
I brought him multiple pictures including those off Google maps proving it was not a
right turn only lane. Even a weather report showing there was no inclement weather conditions making the pass unsafe. He said he'd have to postpone the original ticket date on Feb 25 to later in March and I'd know the results in April.
Later that same day the mail arrives and I get a letter from the county court. Due to my exemplary driving record, they are willing to give me a deferral as long as I pay the fine and additional paperwork fee for a total of $249.00! The ticket itself was $153 if I just paid it and took the 4 points. And if I get another ticket in the next 12 months, the points will be put on my record. That went right in the garbage.
Got a call this week. Cop was
WRONG and I was right.

Never even made it to the judge as the prosecuting attorney tossed the ticket.
Still a whole crock of @#$! as this fool wasted my time and won't be paying for my lawyer. :11zpissed: