Flapper removal


Anyone done the flapper removal and seen a difference in the surging at 3500 or so??

Curious as to if this will help or compound the problem before I attemp to hack the box up.
JC, I have the PCII installed and have tried adjusting at the console buttons to no avail.

Waiting for my replacement laptop to try a different map and/or finer adjust with the software.

If I can't get it to go away, I may end up going to a DJ tuning center.

BTW, I am running the 006 map, have tried +1 all the way across, -1 on the low and mid, etc...still can't seem to clear it up.

It's annoying.
Thanks JC.

I believe the closest DJ tuning center to me is running the DJ 200 dyno.

I am pretty sure this is my answer to the problems.

Have you done this yet? And if so, how were your results?

The problem is that the shop is a HD shop and I am worried that they won't have a clue with my 'Busa...