Flashed my first ECU today (pics inside)

I have no idea. A buddy of mine looked at it, changed a few settings as far as how the program was run(as an admin now) and all is good. Great product, easy to use and i'll probably be using my bike to set up a few more shifters also. Have you looked at using the starter switch as a nitrous switch? I know MPS makes a harness for it, but since Matt is making the air shifter and NOS harness that you're selling, I figured I'd see if you had setup or considered setting up a system similar to the shifter harness for nitrous. Still using the ECU as a window of course, but not having a window switch for those of us that want to spray on the button instead of TPS.
I actually make the nos harness, matt does the shifter, if you want it

Wide open throttle

Based no problem you can do that with the harness I build now, instead of hooking the 12v orange wire to the flapper valve just hook it to your starter button, piece-o-cake
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And spraying on button alone or with window and not tps is all easy using the same harness just have to hook it up slightly different
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So your nitrous harness that you sell can be adapted to use with the starter button but still have the WOT and rpm window activation controlled by the ecu? Will the map switching still work when the button is depressed? I was posting about this topic(kinda) on the ecu hacking website but I guess I didnt ask the right questions,lol. how about another of your fine instructional videos showing installation.:thumbsup::bowdown: I was planning to order the harnesses after christmas but my job isnt going to well right now(due to the economy) so I'm hoping for a good tax refund now.
So your nitrous harness that you sell can be adapted to use with the starter button but still have the WOT and rpm window activation controlled by the ecu? Will the map switching still work when the button is depressed? I was posting about this topic(kinda) on the ecu hacking website but I guess I didnt ask the right questions,lol. how about another of your fine instructional videos showing installation.:thumbsup::bowdown: I was planning to order the harnesses after christmas but my job isnt going to well right now(due to the economy) so I'm hoping for a good tax refund now.

so what about if we dont know jack crap about tuning, getting someone to tune this in bham alabama seems hopeless to me but i really want this for my bike for future build plans, how do i go about telling a tuner what needs to be done and how to tune this bike of mine - thanks in advance
Take it to sebastion domingo of nlr he is one of the best tuners in the country

If people can work a piwer commander they can do this too
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i slap forgot the monster busa builder in opelieka so basically i can take it to any PC tuner and bring my laptop with the Petrik downloaded on it and im good to go man i really appreciate the quick response i really didnt wanna buy a pc3 and ignition box this seems so much more effecient much like hondata i run on my turbo civic much appreciated once again
and ofcourse i'll have to purchase the lil magic box and nitrous harness from you lol im super excited about standalone ish on a bike now :thumbsup:
I wouldnt go as far to say anyone who will tune a Power commander will tune this. Some folks may not have heard of it and not interested, always check with them first, but lots of shops including many top tuners are using them now.

if the shop you are going to has a flasher box you would really only need a harness, the box doesn't stay on the bike, but if you wanted to make any changes you would need it.

i have a good PC tuner here in bham so i'll run it buy em and we can go from there once again man major:thumbsup: to you sir i greatly appreciate it