Folks I am so sorry......

I didn't realize moving to a dessert would mean I couldn't ride my bike year round. The last few days the highs have only been in the mid 40's and dropping well below freezing at night. I'm about ready to winterize my bike which I never had to do living in Florida. I may have to get myself some other winter toy now like a snowmobile. :laugh:

/rant off
"oh, how beautiful!"..... yea,whatever. Its 13 right now with a windchill of-3. Gonna be -5 tonite:cheerleader: I gladly trade the curves here in MO for those curves in FLA:thumbsup:

1st snow '09.jpg
yeah but we still ride an unfortunately have to stop by the ocean side Tiki Bars to cool off a little more often an check out the topless chicks at the beach ... So the heat an humidity do have an upside.

Oh yeah! Well I bet you don't have signs like this near by and we may not have tikibars and "nekid" bathers but we have roadside dives with Pabst Blue Ribbon and Schlitz on tap:beerchug:, and girls with almost all their teeth... Haaa




High Crash area ? :rofl::rofl:
Is that supposed to mean that nobody can ride in VA ? :poke:

Funny never saw a sign like that in TN ?:poke::beerchug:
Demmym says:Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Did you ever go on that ride you spoke of.

Yes but only for about 20 minutes. I dislocated my right shoulder two weeks ago and it still friggin' hurts ! Who would think that letting your 3yr old son swing from your arm would do that ?
Yes I am getting old....gonna go cry now !
Torn Labrum Nerve and slight rotator cuff tear as well....I'm skrooood

The only thing, the only thing that makes it feel better or I guess makes me forget how much it still hurts is going for a short ride. Seems like having to concentrate on riding takes it away.
Something not even the pain pills will do ! And no I'm not ridin' around Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzin , have too many folks depending on me.

Yes but only for about 20 minutes. I dislocated my right shoulder two weeks ago and it still friggin' hurts ! Who would think that letting your 3yr old son swing from your arm would do that ?
Yes I am getting old....gonna go cry now !
Torn Labrum Nerve and slight rotator cuff tear as well....I'm skrooood

The only thing, the only thing that makes it feel better or I guess makes me forget how much it still hurts is going for a short ride. Seems like having to concentrate on riding takes it away.
Something not even the pain pills will do ! And no I'm not ridin' around Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzin , have too many folks depending on me.


Come take a 20 min right here, ( 16 Degrees ) that arm will be the last thing your worried about :laugh:
I rode for 134 miles today because I got the day off. Started a little wet, then the sun came out so I'm happy.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I feel for you all, I did 12 months in north america last year and had never seen snow in my 25yrs before that, the idea of a riding season seems wierd to me. max summer temps here are about 90degf min winters about 55degf got 4 of close to the best mountain roads in the southern hemisphere all within about 30/40 miles (I'll try to include a map, If your keem look up: the Oxley hwy NSW).

In some aspects of life I'm truly gifted:thumbsup:from:coffs harbour to:Thunderbolts Way to:-31.463811,152.73468 to:Uralla Rd to:pacific Hwy to:Wauchope NSW - Google Maps
OK, I win the cold contest, last night it was minus 9 degrees! Today it got up to 19 in Reno. My German Shepherd lasts outside about 5 minutes.
The only reason I go into the garage is to stare at the effin battery tender lights.