
two of four

You're a genius!!
Just what the doc ordered and yes I even know what a vector is!
If you are in Oz too, even better. To contact me, use and if you can attach the files, great.
Many thanks to all who've answered!
The dogbones get trialled tomorrow.
They give 50mm and 100m lowering, plus standard. The top bolt stays done up, the frame doesn't need grinding or cutting and the lower fairing stays in place. It took me more time to take the fairing piece off tonight, than it took to lower the bike (for the drags tomorrow night).
I just knocked up a quick colour job showing the sort of detail you can get. Not everyones bag but I'm sure someone will rate it.

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closer. That bigger image didn't illustrate the point I was trying to make about vectors and I don't know how to pull a post. So, instead I'll make an ar*e of myself and post a closer image.

Silly really, but I've just been taken to task for pronouncing kanji wrong.
For what it's worth it's pronounced Cun gee, not can gee!
I just took a picture into the shop I deal with and they are able to scan the image and do whatever I want them to do. In fact I have a project I'm waiting to get back any day now. I'll let you see it when I get it.
alrighty. I have these files in DXF (autocad) but can convert them to anything that you need. They are in vector so scale is not an issue because (for those that care less) vector is mathematical (point) not pixel based. The Kanji is accurate. it was ticking me off that there has been a bit of mission creep with it, so I looked up what it is supposed to look like in it's original form. If one of the admin folks can tell me how to post (or give me an email address to send them to) the data files then I will. Hope this helps out and I don't feel as lonely now since another Aussie has rocked up. Note: don't use these ones because they are real little (40-50k) and won't print worth a damn.
Can you email thsoe to me?
KennyMac...PM Sent

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Thank you very much for the files. I will bring em in to my local shop and see what they can do with them...again, thank you
heh, ah rubbersidedown,are those pictures you posted available as decals?If so i'm defineately interested.
Thanks in advance,
heh, ah rubbersidedown,are those pictures you posted available as decals?If so i'm defineately interested.
Thanks in advance,
we have decals in the site store that are pretty cool, perhaps one day a whole mess of different ones, but the interest would have to be there first.

Its a cost vs want sorta thing.
If anyone else has something like this. post it up and I'll do it, if it isn't out of control as far as complexity, I'll go broke spending ten hours on a image. lol. (why should you pay a fortune)
As far as the font files go, I'm waiting for feedback from the laser guy.
BUT, I have designed a better mousetrap, well, dogbones. In Oz, it's not worth making them commercially, but I'm sure in the states it is. I don't want to make money as such, but I don't want my design stolen and commercialised.
What's the asnwer?
1. Only undo the bottom bolt.
2. Standard plus two lowering heights at any setting (nearly!)
3. No changes to the lower fairing braket, and the fairing can stay on.
Could even do a rising height I think as well, but haven't tried that yet.

Any interest??