Just an idea here.....
There are about 18,000 members in the list.
If 1/2 of them were current, 9000, and half of them have money that want to stay here, 4500, and half of them have not already donated, 2250 @ 20.00 per head is $45,000.00.
Make a VIP membership at $20.00 annually, and you should not have to pay anything out of pocket. OR, if 2000 people are willing, make it 10.00 per head, 20 grand towards hosting.
I would pay 20.00 per year, cant see anyone that has not yet donated pay to post in here. BUT, I would like to see a few things, like Andy NEVER in a wig and makeup again, the for sale thread opened again, and the auction site set at 10 day auctions max. I could walk from Canada to the USA in 30 days that it is set at now. If guys are not yearly members, dont let them post in the for sale section, or send pm's.
Does that work?
There are about 18,000 members in the list.
If 1/2 of them were current, 9000, and half of them have money that want to stay here, 4500, and half of them have not already donated, 2250 @ 20.00 per head is $45,000.00.
Make a VIP membership at $20.00 annually, and you should not have to pay anything out of pocket. OR, if 2000 people are willing, make it 10.00 per head, 20 grand towards hosting.
I would pay 20.00 per year, cant see anyone that has not yet donated pay to post in here. BUT, I would like to see a few things, like Andy NEVER in a wig and makeup again, the for sale thread opened again, and the auction site set at 10 day auctions max. I could walk from Canada to the USA in 30 days that it is set at now. If guys are not yearly members, dont let them post in the for sale section, or send pm's.
Does that work?