For those that still ride w/out a lid

It is hard for me to understand this. I see it all the time in South Carolina when I ride over there. They don't have a helmet law and I see guys on Sport bikes haulin a$$. :poke:
That looked painful and good enough reason to wear a helmet but the technology to create an animation like that is amazing.
I'll take your word for it too. I was wearing my helmet the other day when I dumped it and the scratch marks on my helmet indicated that I would have slammed my face into the ground if I didn't have it on.

Wear the stupid helmets.


P.S. You may still have to wear something to keep your face warm!
Awesome Thread.....gonna use this at the next Motorcycle Safety Training for my Marines. Thanks.
A very smart man (my Dad) once told me, "You can't hide money, and you can't hide stupid...he was right on both counts.