For those who have had aftermarket decals put on

That looks great. :thumbsup: Has giving me ideas for my bike too but i got my rims painted black so need to work around that.
I would have used Skeche. I even asked him about this. But what I really wanted was the 2011 OEM decals just with a different color. To me the way i like to make my bike is with little upgrades to how I believe the bike should have rolled off the line.

So the only bad news is that the vendor that I got the decals from will not help out at all. I figured he wouldn't send a vector file as that could be his property and how he sells his products. But I would have hoped that he would have done some thing as the Oracal website for the vinyl used states 3 years for life of product and the guy is claiming 5-10 years. He also states high quality premium vinyl and from what I have learned today (if correct) calendar vinyl is not a premium vinyl. I also did not like seeing that the vinyl that was sold is also stated not recommended for vehicle use.

I compltely agree with you on everything you said. I like making the bikes the way the should have looked off the show room. . I would have something to say to that company that sold you the Vinyl. I hope you come out on top of this one brother!!! Im pullin for ya
Sounds like you have everyone working to help you out, and it sounds like the only thing you will loose is a cheap set of decals .......not bad in my opinion :thumbsup:

You could email the guy who sold the decals a link to this page and let him have the chance to back up his product. That is what I ended up having to do to get the left and right side for the emblems I ordered.
Sounds like you have everyone working to help you out, and it sounds like the only thing you will loose is a cheap set of decals .......not bad in my opinion :thumbsup:

You could email the guy who sold the decals a link to this page and let him have the chance to back up his product. That is what I ended up having to do to get the left and right side for the emblems I ordered.

Fingers crossed we can get a good vector file to use. And took your idea and emailed the vendor of the decals to take a look on here.
Hi, first of all let me introduce myself - I am the owner of the website called MOTO-STICKER.COM - MOTO-STICKER.COM - the website, that the decals in question have been purchased. At the beginning I want to say, that firstly I didn't want to reply to this whole thing, because what has been written here is just redicolous. But the impudenceр that has been shown by some parties and the absolutely pointless accusations have forced me to do so.

Mr Tom (Last name removed by Admin) is the person, who has opened this thread and who has purchased the decal set in question from me. He had some additional demands, he wanted me to send him examples of my materials and sent me several emails with explanations. I have made all his requests without saying anything or CHARGING anything for that. I have sent him videos with instructions about applying and so on and because at the beginning I thought he was a nice guy I have even sent him some gift decals.

So far , so good. But let's see what happens after that - he receives the decals and gives them to some "proffesionals". They screw with the applying proccess and keep the decals for many days and after of course at the end they found the perfect excuse - THE DECALS ARE CRAP! Wow, how convenient! It's not them , it is the decals!

Mr Tom (Last name removed by Admin) contacts me and says to me, that my decal are, and I am quoting here "cheap calendar crap" made from vinyl, that shouldn't be used for calendars. Mr Tom (Last name removed by Admin) never requested a return or a refund, he just said, that he needs the vector file, because he wants someone to make him more decals. Now I want to ask here - will a normal person give the essence of his work to a complete stranger? That is JUST REDICOLOUS! What Mr. Tom (Last name removed by Admin) pointed, is that I am using vinyl, that is not for outdoor use. That is what he said. Of course this is absolutely not true, but because of the the attitude of Mr Tom (Last name removed by Admin), I didn't wanted to explain him anything.

But I will now explain to this forum - the vinyl, that I have used for these decals is super, SUPER strong and weather and and sun just can NOT damage it. What ORACAL are saying about it in their website about the outdoor use is because of a simple reason - the first purpose of these vinyls is not to make decals. They are made for wrapping. And because the 641 series are much more thicker than the 751 series, that is supposed to be used outdoor. And because of that if you wrap let's say a car with vinyl, the changes of the temperatures can cause the 641 series to move from the edges, while the 751 series will not. But exactly because of that the 641 series is better for making decals - because it is THICKER. The 751 series is too thin for that purpose. THE GLUE IS THE SAME, JUST THE THICKNESS AND THE ABILITY TO STRETCH IS DIFFERENT.

Of course what these people have said to Mr Tom (Last name removed by Admin) and what he has said to me is absolute bulls**t and obviously that is not the case. Now what Mr Tom (Last name removed by Admin) is saying is just not the truth, because he is saying, that these decals are not durable. He says, that they are weak. What I am asking is how can you say that if you haven't tested them adn you haven't saw how long exaclty have they last? This is nothing more than an unreasonable accusation and I think we all know how people who say these things are called.

At the end I want to say this - MY PRODUCT IS A TOP QUALITY PRODUCT. Everything, that I have described in my website is the truth and it has been proven as the truth. About the hard applying process - if you are not good at that, you can always find an excuse by putting the blame on the product, but please take a look at the picture gallery in my website - how do you think all these guys have applied the decals (many of them much more hard for applying than tha Hayabusa ones)? And I want one thing to be clear - neverthelesss Mr Tom (Last name removed by Admin) has tried to put a dirt spot on my work, he can not succeed at that. There are many, many people - in The USA and in the whole world, who are advertising my products by carring them on their bikes. AND NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAVE EVER EMAILED ME SAYING THAT HE HAS A PROBLEM WITH THE DURABILITY OF THE DECALS. And I am doing this from more than 10 years. For 10 years Mr (Last name removed by Admin) was the only person, who has pointed these unreasonable accusations and on top of that he never even used them! I don't think I must say anything more.

I apologize, because of the hurry I forgot just several things -

if my explanation seems a little bit hard to understand, please remember, that I am a foreigner and I can not speak English perfectly.

Bubbles underneath the decals have nothing to do with the vinyl, that has been used. It is just about how good is the guy, who is applying

If I wanted, I could just use the "better" vinyl by just raising the prices with several dollars. That will cost me 0 clients of course. And the fact, that I haven't done that, is making my point clear enough, because motorbike decals should be thick and not thin.

I do not want to insult anyone, but if someone says things, that he can not proof, is just someone, who isn't telling the truth.

And last - if anyone is interrested - please search the whole internet space and see if you will find a single bad word about my products or about me. The only one you will have is the post of Mr Tom (Last name removed by Admin), that like I have said is about something, that is not proven.

moto-sticker: Learn to at least read the words that are typed. I never called your product crap. Here's the actual email I sent to you.

Hi there,
So I took the decals to a professional shop to have them installed. They had trouble laying the decals as they said the type of vinyl that was used was a cheap calendar grade that they would normally use for disposable signs.

Right on the product website it says Not recommended for vehicle applications. (ORACAL USA : Products : ORACAL  641  Economy Calendered Film) I am pretty displeased with this. They did not charge me for the install because they don't want their name on the work.

They had asked if it was possible for you to send me the digital image so they could recut and have this done on the proper Cast vinyl so we would both be happy. So if you could please send me the digital image you used either the Vector, Hi Res, .JPG or Tiff file so they can redo the decals for me I would greatly appreciate this.

I would really like for my bike to look the best.

Thank you,
Tom (last name left out)

Notice not once did I say the word crap.

Your reply:
Excuse me, but how do you want me to cooperate when you are calling my products cheap calendar crap????

My products are WORLDWIDE famous and NOBODY has said to me this kind a thing and I have customers who are using my decals from 5 years here in Bulgaria without a single problem!

No, I will not send them any vector formats. When they are so big specialist, then as them to do you the decals you need.

thank you.

Again you quoting that I said crap when I didnt.

Hey buddy,
I am not calling your product cheap crap. I am calling the vinyl used not top notch. Even the company website of the vinyl used says not recommended for vehicle use.

The website also says life of 3 years yet you state 5-10 years on your website.

I am asking you to make this right. I paid a premium price for your work thinking it was a premium product.

They did try looking online for the vector file but could not find it.


Premium price, i was charged almost $90 USD for the decals with shipping. Shipping was 13 Euro so whatever that amount was take away from the $90 USD.

Hi, you have paid exactly what you have got. These decals will last a long time. I have described that in the website and that is the truth.

About the vector - I am very sorry, but I never send my vector files to anybody.

best regards

I paid for premium. You used a lower quality grade vinyl than what could have been used.

The company that installed this is not in the market for making sport bike decals nor do they want to be. They will not be stealing any business from you.

If your unwilling to send the vector file could you please inform me as to where one could acquire the file so I could have the decals redone on cast vinyl as that is what is required for this type of application.

I use this vinyl, because it is the best I can find and because I NEVER had any problems with it. It is a top product, no matter what you or someone else may think.

I will not send the file, because this is against my principles. I don't car what company is that.

And I am very sorry, but I do not know where can you aquire what you need.

best regards

On another note I asked for a color sample so this why I could tell you what color gold to use. Not to test the material. I know nothing about vinyl besides what the guy at the store told me. Being that the calendar vinyl is not as easy to work with and a cheaper vinyl. Mainly used for their disposable signs.

I would like to know what nice gifts you sent to me?

Im not asking for a return because well I cant return them. I should put a dispute through paypal for you claiming 5-10 years durability when the manufacturer only claims 3. And also that their website states not recommended for vehicle use. Have I done that yet, no. I was asking for the file so this place could recreate the decals just with the proper vinyl. This way your not out any money that was charged to me, I get the decals redone using a higher quality product, and the shop is happier with the work.

I have never said that they are not durable or weak. Just stated the fact from the manufacture website.

You cannot say a product is Top Quality when there is something better than it. Which is the case between Calendar vinyl and Cast Vinyl.
Oracal 641 = Economy Grade Calendered Vinyl with Water Based Adhesive used for automotive/motorsports graphics? OUCH !!!
I won't even allow that grade of vinyl in my shop, not even for banners or one day use golf tournament signs and yes Oracal is my shops vinyl manufacturer of choice. The proper media choice for that application should be a cast vinyl with a permanant solvent adhesive such as Oracals 951 Series. If you want the OEM decals you have to buy them from Suzuki, they are screenprinted onto a clear vinyl and no inkjet digitally printed decals are even going to come close. As for the bubbles & wrinkles well someone clearly didn't know what the heck they were doing. Just because someone can buy a $200 chineese vinyl cutter dosen't make them a sign professional. Even if you can afford a $100,000 sign franchise store, that dosent make the kids you hire sign professionals. By the way, the reason all these .com sticker makers use economy grade calendered vinyl is that it costs about one fifth the cost of premium grade cast vinyls.
I only wanted the design of OEM. The oem has a color that does not match the rims i have on my bike (08 gold oem) so that is why i needed/wanted graphics that were oem look a likes.
Fingers crossed we can get a good vector file to use. And took your idea and emailed the vendor of the decals to take a look on here.


Can you post some better and clearer pics? From what I can see the stickers look nice but again the pics aren't clear so real hard to tell.

Two things: First the sticker shop should have put them on correctly without any bubbles or wrinkles. You shouldn't have paid a dime for that work and sounds like you didn't. However, with that in mind NO WAY would another company send you the digital image so another shop can copy it. I'm more surprised you asked since that's a no-no on product sharing with that type of work (for free at least). With that in mind, it's not moto-stickers problem that you are out $90. You need to take that up with the install place. Only problem is they aren't going to reimburse you for another companies product. You would have to buy OEM stickers from suzuki, have that vinyl shop scan them and get legal rights from Suzuki to do so and sell them if they/you wish.

Otherwise, your bike looks great and LOVE the GOLD!

I'm trying to keep it on my bike also because that seems to be the first thing everyone with the Blue/Black/Gold change... :thumbsup:

Hi, first of all let me introduce myself - I am the owner of the website called MOTO-STICKER.COM - MOTO-STICKER.COM - the website, that the decals in question have been purchased. At the beginning I want to say, that firstly I didn't want to reply to this whole thing, because what has been written here is just redicolous.

But I will now explain to this forum - the vinyl, that I have used for these decals is super, SUPER strong and weather and and sun just can NOT damage it. What ORACAL are saying about it in their website about the outdoor use is because of a simple reason - the first purpose of these vinyls is not to make decals. They are made for wrapping. And because the 641 series are much more thicker than the 751 series, that is supposed to be used outdoor. And because of that if you wrap let's say a car with vinyl, the changes of the temperatures can cause the 641 series to move from the edges, while the 751 series will not. But exactly because of that the 641 series is better for making decals - because it is THICKER. The 751 series is too thin for that purpose. THE GLUE IS THE SAME, JUST THE THICKNESS AND THE ABILITY TO STRETCH IS DIFFERENT.


From what I can see in the pics and your website the stickers actually look rather nice. I wouldn't mind a set for my bike. With that in mind, how much $$US to make them out of the thicker 751 or 951 series vinyl?

Thanks... :beerchug:

Oracal 641 = Economy Grade Calendered Vinyl with Water Based Adhesive used for automotive/motorsports graphics? OUCH !!!
I won't even allow that grade of vinyl in my shop, not even for banners or one day use golf tournament signs and yes Oracal is my shops vinyl manufacturer of choice. The proper media choice for that application should be a cast vinyl with a permanant solvent adhesive such as Oracals 951 Series. If you want the OEM decals you have to buy them from Suzuki, they are screenprinted onto a clear vinyl and no inkjet digitally printed decals are even going to come close. As for the bubbles & wrinkles well someone clearly didn't know what the heck they were doing. Just because someone can buy a $200 chineese vinyl cutter dosen't make them a sign professional. Even if you can afford a $100,000 sign franchise store, that dosent make the kids you hire sign professionals. By the way, the reason all these .com sticker makers use economy grade calendered vinyl is that it costs about one fifth the cost of premium grade cast vinyls.

Do you make and sell them also?

Can you post some better and clearer pics? From what I can see the stickers look nice but again the pics aren't clear so real hard to tell.

Two things: First the sticker shop should have put them on correctly without any bubbles or wrinkles. You shouldn't have paid a dime for that work and sounds like you didn't. However, with that in mind NO WAY would another company send you the digital image so another shop can copy it. I'm more surprised you asked since that's a no-no on product sharing with that type of work (for free at least). With that in mind, it's not moto-stickers problem that you are out $90. You need to take that up with the install place. Only problem is they aren't going to reimburse you for another companies product. You would have to buy OEM stickers from suzuki, have that vinyl shop scan them and get legal rights from Suzuki to do so and sell them if they/you wish.

Otherwise, your bike looks great and LOVE the GOLD!

I'm trying to keep it on my bike also because that seems to be the first thing everyone with the Blue/Black/Gold change... :thumbsup:

Thanks for the compliments. I’ll try to get more close up pictures when the weather clears and can get outside with sun light.
Im not really upset about the $90 I am out because the shop messed up the install work. Im more just upset that the wrong type of vinyl was used. Overall the cut and finish of the vinyl is great. The shop that did the install did say the cuts are very smooth and that moto stickers has a great file to be able to do this.
Personally I did not think that he would send the vector. That’s why I asked nicely “if it was possibleâ€￾ to send the vector file so that the shop that did the install work could, because they offered to at no charge but the cost of the vinyl, remake the decals and re-install them.
1) To correct their work.
2) So the correct vinyl would be used.
3) So I would be happy and not out anything.