Thanks guys!  Silver/Revlis, you know after your comment I was like "WTF?
", then I realized you were attempting humor!!  hahahhahahha!!! I was so nervous about the whole install, I was thinking could I have done that???  Watchout playa, payback is a mutha!!!!!!

Bacharles, your bike is tiiiiiight!!!!!  Sliders look good!!  If Dexter and Kennedy get together and have mini bikes, I take no responsibility for Kennedy being a ho and giving it up to a pimp like Dex on the first date!!!

The whole upside down install was an attempt to be funny, glad you found it so...I got nervous when I got no response so I was like "oh S*^t" poor Lo is out there fiddling with her sliders...glad that wasn't the case...

Looks good and I give you a lot respect for doing this yourself...the idea of cutting on Lilah makes me dizzy...But after hearing about all the little drops lately I am feeling a bit more motivated.

Good Job.

Thanks again everyone for the compliments! I know everyone hates to cut the plastic but if you take it slow and easy it comes out sweet. The measurement was easy using puddy like Rhythm said to mark the spot on the plastic where the engine bolt goes. After that, it was just all nerve. Bacharles suggested using the holesaw in the reverse direction to cut more smoothly, and it worked. I get complete satisfaction in doing my own work on my bike, plus the guy at the local Suzuki wanted to charge me $200 bucks to do it. (not including the sliders) I can't wait to go down there and show him he motivated me to do it myself!! HA!


Revlis, I knew you were joking but it did make me go, hmmmm?