Frame sliders install


Just out of curiosity, when installing frame sliders, is a hole saw used on the fairing? I would assume you need to put masking tape around the region to be cut as well, to avoid cracking?

Try this information!

By the way, yes, use masking tape on the bit side(outside).

Reason for Edit: "forgot the tape remark...."|1145820191 -->
I used a hole saw slightly larger than the sliders so that I could fit the plastics back over it easier. It also gave me room to put black automotive trim around the opening to make it look like it was intended to be there.
Holesaw works if you are certain you have the center located otherwise use a Dremel.
Make sure you drill a very small pilot hole first to be certain you are centered on the bolt. Tape and drill it with a hole saw but keep the revs up!

By the way I used cylindrical Rare earth magnets in the center of the bolt head and on the outside of the fairing. The magnets find their own center, Voila! Worked perfect!
Brilliant ! Bigoltool.. love it when a man comes up with a better way. I have some of those magnets but would not have thought to do that.. 2 Thumbs Up..
I used a hole saw slightly larger than the sliders so that I could fit the plastics back over it easier. It also gave me room to put black automotive trim around the opening to make it look like it was intended to be there.
Just be careful not to go too big or you start getting into the material for the side panel mounts.
Make sure you drill a very small pilot hole first to be certain you are centered on the bolt. Tape and drill it with a hole saw but keep the revs up!

By the way I used cylindrical Rare earth magnets in the center of the bolt head and on the outside of the fairing. The magnets find their own center, Voila! Worked perfect!
Wickedly cool!