Frame sliders

Yes, there are several, however everyone I've spoken to who has them said they didn't much care for them. I personally think that the bracket from your motor mount would probably bend or break if you went down hard with the extra leverage on it. I have the body-cut sliders from hotbodies, and couldn't be happier. I had a low side a while back and came out of it only needing to replace the slider itself, with my faring, tail, and engine covers 100% intact.

Hotbodies Frame Sliders

I have read dozens of times that the NO CUT sliders are no good or that they do more harm than good. Curious how many of those guys have actually used NO-CUT sliders and more importantly, actually TESTED them (intentionally or otherwise).

Well, I happen to be one of the few who favor/endorse the T-REX NO CUT sliders. And sadly, I also had the chance to CRASH TEST them. Guess what, motor mounts/frame are OK. The fairings sustained damage, no different from the CUT version.

NOTE: At a high speed crash, messed up motor mounts will be the LEAST of your concerns.

Sorry, do not have many pictures (but another member here also TESTED the T-REX no-cut during a 45 mph spill): The BLUE 08 is mine


Kromdom....I think we're rapidly becoming the Frame Slider police around here. :laugh:

What he said. T-Rex No-Cut all the way. :beerchug:
Kromdom....I think we're rapidly becoming the Frame Slider Nazi's around here. :laugh:

What he said. T-Rex No-Cut all the way. :beerchug:

Not quiet the Nazi :beerchug: just trying to offer prospective users of NO-CUT sliders opinion/feedback backed by actual, firsthand experience.
Just wanted to point out that there is a connecting rod between each side of the T-Rex No cuts. Not sure if everybody understands that. :thumbsup:
Just wanted to point out that there is a connecting rod between each side of the T-Rex No cuts. Not sure if everybody understands that. :thumbsup:

There you are, fellow CRASH TESTER :whistle: (was wondering when you'd chime in). Peeps, RUNNER owns the grey/silver bike in the 1st pic.
Body-cut. 45-50mph, full extent of dmg. I still have the pants I slid in to prove it :)

The CUT sliders have a proven record, that has never been questioned.

The OP asked about NO CUT sliders and I offered my opinion to dispel the myth that it will not survive a crash or that it will damage the motor mounts/frame. FWIW, my spill was on a slow, sweeping righthand curve (decreasing radius, banked to the right) when a truck bolted in front of me to cross the road.

NOTE: I guess the only way to settle this is to conduct an experiment using TWO exactly identical BIKES in exactly identical road conditons (with sliders as the only difference between the two) going down in exactly the same way.
Hey, I'm sorry man. I was just Trying to help. I'll swear by the things, just didn't want a fellow rider to regret something later.
Hey, I'm sorry man. I was just Trying to help. I'll swear by the things, just didn't want a fellow rider to regret something later.

No worries, man....obvious you're intentions were good and so were mine. We both gave honest/helpful insights to Bruce so he can make an informed decision. :beerchug:

Personally, I believe ANY SLIDER (cut or no cut) is better than NO SLIDERS (ask the guys who've had driveway tipovers). :whistle:
T-rex, No Cut, tested and proven on my GSXR-600, Low sided at 60 km/h motor and frame came out ok, once the bike hit the fire hydrant it flipped and screwed the fork. But the mounts were unscaved.

Saying that, the sliders I have now are cut, but that was a matter of opportunity.

Sorry, no pics!
I've had the Benelux since 2004 and luckily have never had the opportunity to try them out.
So far with the two pictures in this thread I've seen 5 positive outcomes.

Does anyone have actual proof of this style slider failing? Typically there is one guy (can't remember his name) that claims "a friend" had them and mangled up his radiator and did all sorts of other damage. Says he has pictures but never posts them.
Sort of like that one guy who claims K&N filters reduce HP but never responds when asked to cite a source for that claim.

I'm also thinking he's a professional when it comes to proper brand of oil and coolant....and always insists that his dealer mechanic use them. :poke: :rofl:
I have the T Rex NO CUT on my 08 . Its been down 3 times. Once in my driveway,I didnt have the kickstand down all the way and tipped it over on the left side. No damage to body,just a scrape on the slider. The other 2 times where at the track comming into the burnout box, the bike in front of blew up his motor and they told us to shut off the engines. As I rolled back out of the burn out box I put the kickstand down into a rut and I got off the bike it fell over and the other time my son was on it while it was on the rear stand and he went to get off of it got his foot stuck under the right side foot peg, he lost his balance and knocked it off the stand and over on its right side. No damage to the frame or any of the brackets.