Fresh Chain... Do you clean it?


Just installed new chain and sprockets.

Wondering if you clean the packing grease off with kerosene/gear oil and lube with chain wax. Or do you just leave it on and go?

Asking because is seems pretty stiff and gummy.
It will sling off make a mess and attract a lot of dirt. Clean it off and use a chain lube of your choice.
I've done about 25 chains in the last few years (even did one this morning!) install it, lube it (1st time can be lightly), go for a ride....then when you return, clean, readjust and lube! Maybe some brands do but honestly, I've never noticed much "lube slinging" from new chains. Raydog
Spray WD-40 onto a rag and wipe the excess goo off of the chain. Drive it for 30 minutes or so, then wipe it down again with a dry rag, then lube it with Chain Wax.

Clean it off and lube it.You will still get some sling from the lube in between the links.I did with my longer chain.Pain to clean off bike and wheels.I used a good chain cleaner and then lube with chain wax.