Stiff Chain link.. ?Advice?

Now, you would think keeping the chain at that low limit would extend it's life. Unfortunately, the swing arm isn't equidistant from the axis. Thus, the swing of the rear adjusts that low-limit to almost nothing, at times, causing premature stretch. You might consider penetrating that tight link, then readjusting the rear to about 1". I ran the original stock at the lower end of , .8-1.2", and it became worn, and stretched very early.

Cleaning, and greasing is half the battle when that speedo says high-triples, and the chain is at minimums...... :oldcool:

I ran my original chain on the tight side too and it wore faster and it also had a couple of tight links. Running the new chain looser and it's fine.
Thanks everyone for the input thus far.
Could'nt find a 14 or 16 inch caliper anywhere, locally, to verify stretch. Looked on line for one and jeeze'o'petes, they are proud of that extra 8 inches. (Guess I would be to if I gained that extra $120.00 for a set thats 16")) I did get two different kinds of penetrating oil in hopes to free the seized link and what now appears to be a couple. Free'd' it up somewhat but still harder that h#ll to move with fingers. Going through the rest of the chain I found two other places that where really stiff. With the penetrating oil, it did free up the other two somewhat and would be confedent it would "work its way" out, but the one.... Man...its seized up pretty good. Managed to snap off a couple pics.
At this point I'm thinking new chain. Have'nt gotten into the front sprocket yet to verify wear that this may have caused. I'll be in there tomarrow I'm sure and will snap off a few pics and post its integrity.
Plan to get my Nitrous system in order this season and don't want to be second guess anything when that time comes. Would you not agree? Stick w/ the EK530ZVX2 or go w/ something else?
Thinking back last season, I do recall a ride in a toad strangler and I do not believe I wiped and cleaned the chain thourgholy (or at all). As I've been researching this topic for the last week through ALLOT of posts and seen it mentioned many times to always wipe down the chain and clean and lube after such a ride in the rain. I think I may have just sprayed some lube on it after that ride and left it as that.
Thanks again for the input, i'll keep you posted when I get into the front sprocket area.



I use the EK530ZVX2.
Seems great to me.

You might want to contact EK and let them know.
They may help you out if there are a lot of links tight and that low mileage.
I use the EK530ZVX2.
Seems great to me.

You might want to contact EK and let them know.
They may help you out if there are a lot of links tight and that low mileage.

Thank you.. I'll check it out. Gonna cut the chain at the seized link and see what the rest of it feels like off the bike.
In the mean time; got a KILLER deal on a EK ZZZ gold chain from our sponser over at Street-n-Track. Could'nt pass it up. Excellent customer service even into the wee hours of the night, that gentleman does not lolly-gag around. (I love that about service!)
We'll be prepared for all scenerios I recon, when the chain is off and I crack into that front sprocket area.:thumbsup:
Was finally able to clean the front sprocket area up. Wow, non fling my arse. My stealership no longer carried my favorite Honda Spray lube, so I was "forced" to go w/ their recommendation. (Junk) Took me about an hour and a half to get'r' all cleaned up. But the good news is I finally found my favorite lube on the web.. Bought 6
Front sprocket looks great, a couple nicks on a few of the teeth, but overall still looks new.
My OEM sprocket came in today (on the left), Vortex on the right. Thought I'd post a comparison for those who may be interested.
Took out the seized link, and I gotta tell ya, besides all the grime inbetween the plates it feels pretty good. Still got some stiff links in there which can be moved one way easily, but the other way still pretty difficult. But not "seized" like the link removed. Just invested in a "grime brush" also for the new chain ordered. I suspect I'll be following the regular 500 mile scrub'n'.
Rear sprocket looks new also.


Be careful of that grime brush. Remember all those O or X rings in that chain. They won't hold up against a metal bristle brush cleaning (and) you risk washing away the lube inside.
New chained installed. Thanks Street-n-Track for the lighting fast ship and support. I was undecided as to wether or not to remove an extra link in the new chain (112links) when I got it threaded through the sprockets. I believe this is what I did on the last EK chain, maybe a big no no? I was informed to leave new chain as is and install the master. Got it completed. Did'nt realize that I would be so far out on the adjusters on a new chain. Like three "tick" marks left?? I assume this is the norm? Just gotta tighen the back wheel down and verify chain alignment and we should be good to go.

Thanks again to StreetnTrack, Mike1180 and BA BUSA for the product, advice and guidance.
Funny... Looking back through this thread, did'nt see BA BUSA in it, but I've done soo much research on the subject his name stuck in my head and shot him a PM on the extra link ? along w/ StreetnTrack and Mike1180, all w/ same conclusion, leave it. Anywho, I referred in the PM to this thread, probably had no idea what I was talking about but gave the advice anyway and picked up a new friend to boot. Good people here. Thanks everyone.



Glad it all worked out!
You have lots of room left for adjustment.
The chain will be worn out if you ever make it to the last mark.

Happy riding!

You will never get all the way out on the alignment marks...and you can still go up on the rear sprocket. I would put a 43 on there, but that is just me :whistle:
43 will give me more low end right? I'm more of a highway "commuter" type, but it sure would be nice to close the gap sooner on them 1000s', typically, I race em' from an 80+ mpg roll. I will consider though, ty.


You will never get all the way out on the alignment marks...and you can still go up on the rear sprocket. I would put a 43 on there, but that is just me :whistle:
43 will give me more low end right? I'm more of a highway "commuter" type, but it sure would be nice to close the gap sooner on them 1000s', typically, I race em' from an 80+ mpg roll. I will consider though, ty.

At 75 mph the 43 increases your rpm's ONLY 300 in 6th...but it's a whole lot of fun :beerchug: