
"uncensored" wow!!! Does anyone really miss reading someone else's four letter words. I know I don't. We all like to sprinkle an occasional F***, s***, a**h*** etc in our posts to show that we haven't forgotten words we learned how to use in third grade, but do the readers of the posts get any enjoyment out of it.

I know there are people who simply can't complete a sentence without using F*** or S***, however my take is that .org guys and gals aren't amoung them.

If I were going to censor this site I'd also go after the dumb posts that put down the ZX12. If anything makes .org look like a bunch of scared hicks its those ZX12 cheap shots.

Now - how many days to April?
Sherm I think it's demeaning to have some good time machine run by some invisible guy decide which words we can use and not.

I think we should just all talk natural. The way we express ourselves has a lot to do with who we are.

Some guys swear and others don't.

As it is here on .ORG, we have Big good time Brother telling us how we can describe the things we see and I don't cotton to that.
DP, .org is not public property. Free speech only applies to the owner of the organ from which the speech comes (newspaper, magazine, broadcast station, web site, etc). In the case of .org free speech only applies to Chase. The principle of free speech is what gives Chase the right to censor anything he wants. (For the record I dont't think he has censored anything thats in the least bit significant.)

Like I said before I have yet to regret not seeing profanity on this site, and I have yet to get a rush from seeing on sites that don't censor.

Besides, there must be a lot of places you can express yourself the way you would really like - home, work, church, movie theaters, malls, commercial airliners, Ranger's site, just to name a few.
Strange that you complain about posts putting down the zx-12 but don't even mention the multitude of ridiculous crap posts from zx-12 supporters trashing the Busa that we've been forced to endure for months on end. Last time I looked this site was Maybe you bought the wrong bike?

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 05 December 1999).]
This URL takes you direct to the boards on Ranger's server-improved site.

Thanks to Viol8r for the tip. The site is fast now, faster than this site, and works very well.

A Member over there named BUSABIMMER pointed out that if we on .ORG really want new blood we should go over there. Chase ain't gonna answer the call. They have over a hundred Members on Ranger's site and most of them can't come here. They're enthusiastic and curious and I haven't seen any Dork Attacks or other political bull over there yet.

Plus it's uncensored!!!!!!!!

Plus of course you can post pics right in the threads.

So if you're one of the many .ORG Members who have cried for new blood to be let in, I suggest you yourself become new blood in a new place. Try'll like it.
I had to go direct to the boards on the org because the main board kept shutting my computer down. When ranger opened his up, I just naturally put the discussion boards in my favorites.

Have fun :)
...I sure don't get it...I guess the difficulties in accesing the site are too challangeing, and folks just tend to do things like they always do...the site is still a bit funky but is running well on the disscusion boards, but that won't realy matter...this thing is slowing down, and the other board is not going to die thanks to the inattentions of Big Dog and the number of folks who will buy the Busa next year...sooner or later Ranger will get his site all worked out but now he seems to have a good will be a slow but sure thing, although Ranger's board is just a bud...
Woa Kaw! I was trying to tink of just what to say when I read your post...Rite ON! Like you want the kids reading about Dad on a wild goose 'Chase' at 150 or death on the road? You just let your kids surf the net? You guys said it your selfs ...swearing is "childish" right? Chase don't wanna kik off 'Pete cuz he has been the back bone of this site, scince I logged on, any how. A little bird suggested that perhaps Big Dog already has what he wanted in the form of a list of names to peddle or somthing and just dosn't care much any more...Ive been getting a bit bored with the board myself, and was glad to see a few posts from 'COP' and all, but this situation with 'Pete will push things along much faster...I hope Sherm the Worm and 'COP and Todd the Codd make the trip over...things are quiet on Rangers site, but it is open to any who can find their way...half the reason I log on is to see what the Canucs in general and 'Pete in particular think...they amuse me! Hopefully there will be a Falcon FlareUp or further 'Abuse(r) on Ranger's site, 'Pete already knows his way...
I've been over there - I even posted my pic! Looks like I will have to frequent more often if DP is banished. :)
Look at this there are new words censured on this site, you can say Kawasaki but you can't say ***** ****.

It just doesn't seen right that our old friend ***** **** is gone, he was known to others as D**** P***.

What/Whom will it be next?
And U are wondering why america is ****ed up ? Well I miss DP and if U are reading this remember that not all are afraid of Chase might do if somone writes something offending (in Chases mind ). I dont care. I never had anything to do with Chase and for all I know he could be a good guy , but to threathen to ban DP from the site certanly makes me wonder if something is really wrong somwhere. Sorry if this offend U Chase but cutting DP out ( and let others who dos this site no good stay ) pisses me off.
Ranger here I come.
The site is building a board for the first of the year. We will encourage
the use of foul language and open attacks on credibility. Even wanna be's will be
The theme is Bikes, Sex, Drugs, and social deviance. Do you identify?
ducmanic we go, but I hate airing dirty laundry in public. I emailed Pete specifically about this.

People are starting something without any idea as what you're talking about. Pete was NOT banned, he was asked to quit being such an *** . I've gone out of my way to help Pete in the past and didn't appreciate the attitude I was getting. I was going to ban Pete because his comments really bothered me in light of this previous assistance and the fact that this is a free site. I changed my mind and sent him a simple email asking that he refrain from doing so in the future...that simple.

I also explained that should he continue to feel the way he does, he would probably be better off using Ranger's site exclusively. If I had wanted Pete to leave, I would have banned him...I didn't, so I didn't.

My problem is simple...I am getting hell from a relatively small group of individuals about things not being done the way that they would prefer. I have answer questions repeatedly as to why registration is currently shut down and why pictures aren't posted yet, etc. Every time I have to answer it, it takes away from the time needed to actually work on the solution. This is very frustrating to me as I would love to have everything taken care of and up...I have to live with that frustration and I'm doing my best to do so. No matter how you look at it, however, this site IS my site and I make it so that you guys can share it.

I actually like Pete and think he's a good part of the site., but anyone is bound to "get a few wrong" out of 1450 posts. That said, there is no possible way that I deserve name calling or people being a pain in the *** while I'm trying to provide this.

I told Pete that and I stick by that move.

BigDog, could you find time in the near future so that other members can assist you in the sites workload? I have seen many offers of assistance.

If financial burdens are taking a toll, consider $ membership contribution.

Chase nobody is putting anyone on the spot here, I realize you have addressed these issues before but we seldom hear from you.
Everyone that comes to your site has most likely enjoyed and left a little smarter or at least laughing.

Could you consider a weekly letter from the moderator "BigDog's Doghouse Chat". Chase you have done a very fine job here, there are people willing to lend a hand and a buck to continue a great forum. New Members are waiting with their year 2000 Busa keys in hand.

Thank you for your reply :)
Todd, its one thing to criticise the jerks who pop up now and then to attack .org and the H, but that's different from criticising a bike that hasn't hit the showroom floors or even the mag testers.

From what I've seen so far there is a good chance that the 12 will a spectacular bike. But we'll just have to wait and see. The Hayabusa is a spectacular bike - that we already know for sure.
Sherm - I agree. And on the same note it is also just as ridiculous to slam the Busa based on the unknown/made up performance of the 12 - a bike which has not been released.
I was reading a bike mag this weekend---I think is was cycle world, Jan issue. They stated that some guy named Russell (I think) just took delivery of his new zx-12. I am going to dig that comment out tonight. Any one else read that?? They stated it like it was fact.