Friend Down on his R1.... Cell Phone Lady Pulled Out In Front of Him

Just a reminder for everyone to be safe. Driving cars with cell phone to your ear should be a crime.. Maybe it is. Jorden is in the hospital and scheduled for surgery today. Two broken ankles, broken ribs and messed up arm. View attachment 1605630
What a shame really. Hope he will recover fully.
In british columbia they just raised the fine for using a cell while driving to 650 dollars and 5 points. Still tons of ppl on their phones while driving!

oh and if you get caught a 2nd time within 3 years you pay 2000 dollars (i just found that out)!
Thanks Daniel. This young 24 year old is a truck driver and will be down for a while. I hope as well for his full recovery. People should be put in jail for this crap.

What a shame really. Hope he will recover fully.
In british columbia they just raised the fine for using a cell while driving to 650 dollars and 5 points. Still tons of ppl on their phones while driving!
Thanks Daniel. This young 24 year old is a truck driver and will be down for a while. I hope as well for his full recovery. People should be put in jail for this crap.
Agree 100 percent.
Here in BC - 25 percent of all fatal accidents on the road are caused by cellphones.
Even a non fatal accident, in which you have used your phone, should be counted as attempted murder in my opinion.
People just dont get it.
That is exactly what would finally get peoples attention... attempted murder is justified IMHO!

Agree 100 percent.
Here in BC - 25 percent of all fatal accidents on the road are caused by cellphones.
Even a non fatal accident, in which you have used your phone, should be counted as attempted murder in my opinion.
People just dont get it.
Wait a minute, I'm winding up ...

I've been raging against this particular machine for years. Nothing is more dangerous than a distracted driver and phones are a distraction, as are the NAV systems built into vehicles these days, ENT systems (even sound systems), anything that requires the operator to look away and perform an input. Lane splitting seems harmless in comparo. I rented a car last week and refused to use the monitor when reversing - I would have had to stop to put on reading glasses just to see the damned thing.

And the beauty of riders: easier to tell if they're texting someone while riding
I'm sorry Mike :(

Riding thru a lil town in the hills today, thankfully at slow speed, a big white van pulled out right in front of me so I was able to brake in time. As he crossed in front of me he seemed to be looking in my direction but I’d bet he didn’t see me at all. Riding where I do, even out in the country, near cross roads, driveways, and intersections I always take caution because I (am) invisible to most drivers.